IEEE IEC 61636-1:2021 pdf free download – Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensibleMarkup Language (XML)

02-12-2022 comment

IEEE IEC 61636-1:2021 pdf free download – Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensibleMarkup Language (XML)
4.1 Background
Current automatic test system architectures are implemented with tight coupling between components. Thistight coupling inhibits interoperability by requiring components of the automatic test system to be developedspecific to that particular architecture. In many cases,this coupling can be reduced by developing thecomponents that operate relative to standard interfaces.
This document will facilitate accomplishing several objectives. First, the document will serve as a singlesource for specifying essential test data with data elements related to the unit under test(UUT), the test station,and the test program. Second, the document will assist the automatic test equipment(ATE) industry to designand create compatible, interoperable tool sets such as data parsers and writers. Third, the standard will assistATE users of such data (e.g., automotive, semiconductor, acrospace, and military) to process and display testresults across a variety of systems.
This document has been developed as a “component standard” or “dot standard”under the SIMICA familybase document (IEEE Std 1636).The SIMICA family of standards purpose is to specify software interfacesfor access, exchange, and analysis of product diagnostic and maintenance information. Test results provide asubset of the data needed to satisfy SIMICA’s requirements.
4.2 Introduction
This document’s XML schema and OWL ontology provides a standard format for the transport of bothquantitative(measured values) and qualitative(pass/fail determination) test results.The design is such that it ispossible to store ancillary information such as environmental conditions and system/operator messages. Thisinformation, although not specifically “results,” is intended to permit use of an instance document for a varietyof purposes, including statistical analysis and diagnostics.Some examples of this ancillary information includeidentifying information for the UUT, the test station, and the test program; ambient environmental conditionsat the time of the test; test equipment calibration data; as well as test program input data and ancillary textual comments. This document cestablishes a hierarchical structure for results data to permit the grouping of a seriesof related test results in a single instance document.
4.3 Applicability
This document will permit test result data to be shared for a variety of purposes, including statistical analysis,diagnostics, and improvement of the unit under test(UUT) repair process.
4.4 Usage
This document presumes some knowledge of XML and the use of XML schemas.A variety of XML softwaretools are available in a number of computer programming languages. This document makes no presumptionregarding the tool(s) being used or the specific test system(s) generating the test result information beingcaptured in an XML instance document.
This document describes the TestResults.xsd schemas as well as specifies the OWL ontology model thatconformant instance documents must follow. In general, this document serves as an enhancement to theannotations provided within the XML schema and OWLontology files.
4.4.4 XML instance document example associated with this document
This document also provides an example Test Results XML instance document. This instance document isprovided as an illustration of the use of the TestResults.xsd and Simica.xsd schemas. The Test Results XMLinstance document is available as described in Clause 7.

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