IEEE 2450:2019 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for the Performanceof Down-the-Road Radar Used inTraffic Speed Measurements

02-12-2022 comment

IEEE 2450:2019 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for the Performanceof Down-the-Road Radar Used inTraffic Speed Measurements Moving mode, opposite-direction, low speed
The UUT shall function properly at a speed of32 km/h (20 mph) or the lowest speed at which the manufacturerstates, whichever is lower, as tested in accordance with Moving mode, opposite-direction, high speed
The device shall process closing speeds of at least 273 km/h (170 mph).K-band radar devices shall not processclosing speeds of 338 km/h(210 mph) or greatcr. The requircment shall be tested in accordance with Moving mode,same-direction, low speed
The device shall process closing speeds within ±8 km/h (±5 mph) of the patrol speed, or the lowest closingspeed the manufacturer states the radar device operates properly, whichever is the lower closing speed, astested in accordance with Moving mode,same-direction, high speed
The device shall process closing speeds within 40 km/h (25 mph) of the patrol-speed, or the highest closingspeeds the manufacturer states that the radar device operates properly, whichever is the higher closing speed,as tested in accordance with
4.3.10 Auxiliary displays
lf the radar device has auxiliary speed displays, the requirements specified for the target channel and patrolchannel displays shall apply to the auxiliary displays. If the radar device utilizes a separable, remote displaymodule, this remote module shall display, as a minimum, the retained target speed. The remote module shailblank all displays or display current radar information when reconnected to the radar device.This requirementshall be tested according to 5.9.5.
4.3.11 Same-direction moving-mode speed computation indicator
For nondirectional radar devices having a same-direction moving-mode capability, the readout unit shall havea visual indicator showing whether target speed is being computed on the basis of a target vehicle travelingfaster or slower than the patrol vehicle. This requirement does not apply to directional radar devices thatautomatically perform the correct faster/slower target speed calculation using direction-of-travel information.This requirement shall be tested according to 5.9.6.
4.3.12 Fastest option indicator
For those radar devices having a fastest option (moving or stationary), in which the fastest readout replacesany other speed readout, the readout unit shall have a visual indicator showing that the target speed beingdisplayed is associated with a faster target within the radar beam.This visual indicator is not required if adedicated readout is used for the fastest display.This requirement shall be tested according to 5.9.7.
4.4 Common output protocol (COP)(optional)
The common output protocol is tested in conjunction with the relevant sections of Clause 5, and the requiredinputs for the results of these tests are indicated in the appropriate sections of Clause 4. Details of the CoPoperation and interface are given in Annex B.
5.1 General
For the tests in this clause, a directional radar shall be tested with directional mode enabled unless otherwisespecified.The terms “approaching” and “receding” apply only to directional radar devices; ignore these termsfor nondirectional radars. Each time a test method requires that the radar device be connected to the simulator,the radar device shall also be connected to the standard supply voltage source and properly aligned on thesimulator. Refer to Figure 2 for a block diagram of this measturement setup. Note that the power cable is tobe provided by the manufacturer for the purposes of performing these tests and may not necessarily be anaccessory included with every unit purchased.

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