BS EN 17371-1:2021 pdf free download – Provision of services Part 1: Service procurement一Guidance for the assessment of the capacity of service providers and evaluation of service proposals

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BS EN 17371-1:2021 pdf free download – Provision of services Part 1: Service procurement一Guidance for the assessment of the capacity of service providers and evaluation of service proposals.
5.5.2 Evidence
Depending on the service(s), the following requirements may be defined:
— minimum amount and capability of equipment (tools, software, etc.) and infrastructure (buildings, communication systems, etc.);
— availability and quality characteristics of materials (chemicals, publications, etc.);
— permissible limits relating to the use of external technical resources.
Providers may be requested to submit documents to demonstrate their capacity to satisfy the materials, equipment and infrastructure criteria; for example:
— description of materials;
— description of equipment that the provider will use to perform the service(s);
— description of infrastructure;
— description of the provider’s external equipment management policy.
5.6 Reference-related criteria
5.6.1 Purpose
The aim is to determine whether the provider’s references demonstrate that it has the necessary professional experience for the specific service(s) being provided.
5.6.2 Evidence
Service providers should be asked to provide evidence that they have already carried out similar services with an appropriate level of quality.
Depending on the service(s), requirements can be defined, for example, in terms of the:
— list of similar services provided to other clients;
— statements from clients that services have been correctly performed;
— description of the provider’s subcontractor management policy.
When providers do not have the required references, it is recommended that buyers deline trom tue outset what they will consider to be equivalent means of proof.
5.7 Credential related criteria
To assess a provider’s capacity for the specific service(s) being provided, the provider’s credentials (for example: qualifications, accreditations, certifications, authorisations, labels, etc.) may be requested and taken into consideration for all or part of the aforementioned criteria.
Such credentials should be issued by independent “third-party organizations.
When providers do not possess the required credentials, it is recommended that buyers define from the outset what they will consider to be equivalent means of proof.
6 Criteria for evaluating a service proposal
6.1 General
This clause addresses the main criteria that buyers can use to evaluate a service proposal, and how to use these criteria.
The selection and the weighting and the scoring of the selection criteria used should enable a proposal to be selected that corresponds as closely as possible to the requirements expressed by the buyer in its specification.
NOTE In public procurement the term “contract award” is substituted for “selection.
They should be the subject of an in-depth consideration before the procurement procedure.
The capacity of the provider to deliver the proposal should be kept in mind (See Clause 5).
6.2 Best value
Best value should he determined by selecting the tender that best meets all of the criteria for delivering the services defined by the buyer. This is normally achieved by considerations of life-cycle costing and other criteria rather than the lowest priced bid. Determining best value can be aided by sector specific best value guides where they exist.
NOTE In public procurement, selecting best value means selecting the most economically advantageous tender (MEAT).
6.3 Selection of criteria: principles
6.3.1 Selection and weighting of cnteria
The criteria for evaluating a service proposal, as well as any weighting, should be justified by the requirements of the buyer as set out in the tender document.
NOTE 1 This is compulsory in public procurement.
NOTE 2 In public procurement “tender document” is replaced by “procurement document”.
The technical content, the price or compliance with corporate policies, commitments (such as social and environmental protection, sustainability, accessibility) and legal obligations may be cited among the main criteria for evaluating a service proposal.
Each criterion is allocated a coefficient and all of the criteria are analysed at the same time together, so that each bidder accurately knows how each element of its proposal will be assessed.

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