IEEE 387:2017 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Criteria for Diesel Generator Units Applied asStandby Power Supplies for NuclearPower Generating Stations

02-13-2022 comment

IEEE 387:2017 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Criteria for Diesel Generator Units Applied asStandby Power Supplies for NuclearPower Generating Stations
6.1 General
The diesel-generator units applied as part of the standby power supply shall be qualified in accordancewith the requirements of this clause.1″ This qualification will provide verification that the unit will meet therequirements of Clause 4 under all expected environmental conditions.Qualification shall be accomplished byperformance of type tests on unaged equipment in 6.2, by analysis or testing in 6.3, and by functional testingas required in 6.4 following any aging or seismic testing.All qualification shall be performed in accordancewith a written plan that defines analysis and tests to be performed, parameters to be monitored during tests, testinstrumentation, and acceptance criteria for equipment.
6.2 Initial type tests
Diesel-generators not previously type-tested as standby power sources for nuclear power generating stationsshall be subject to a type testing program consisting of load capability, start and load acceptance, and margintests. It is preferred that these tests be performed at the engine manufacturer’s or assembler’s factory; however,they may be conducted at the site if certified calibration instrumentation is provided to measure and record thesame functions and characteristics normally measured under factory testing conditions.
Type tests may be performed on one or more units, and qualification of one unit will qualify like units of thattype for equal or less severe service. If start and load acceptance tests (see 6.2.2) are performed using morethan one identical unit, then each of these units shall be tested for load capability (see 6.2.1) and margin (see6.2.3).
Type tests shall be performed following successful completion of the factory production tests. Followingthe successful completion of these type tests,the equipment shall be inspected in accordance with themanufacturer’s standard procedure, and inspection results shall be documented.
6.2.1 Load capability tests
These tests demonstrate the capability of the diescl-gencrator unit to carry the following rated loads at ratedpower factor for the period of time indicated, and to successfully reject load in accordanice with completion of the test sequence shall satisfy this particular requirement. The load capability testsequence shall be as follows:
a) Load equal to the continuous rating shall be applied for the time required to reach engine temperature equilibrium.
b) Immediately following item a), the short-time rating load shall be applied for a period of 2 h and thecontinuous rated load shall be applied for a period of 22 h.
c) The short-time rating load rejection test shall be performed.The load rejection test will be acceptableif the increase in speed of the diesel engine docs not exceed 75%of the difference between nominalspeed and the overspeed trip set point, or 15% above nominal, whichever is lower.
d) Light-load or no-load capability as described in 4.1.2 item c) shall be demonstrated by test. Light-load or no-load operation shall be followed by a load application ≥50% of the continuous kilowatt ratingfor a minimum of 0.5 h.
6.2.2 Start and load acceptance tests
A series of tests shall be conducted to establish the capability of the diescl-generator unit to start and acceptload within the period of time necessary to satisfy the plant design requirement. An acceptable start andload acceptance test is defined as follows; however, other methods with proper justification may be foundequivalent for the level of reliability to be demonstrated.18
A total of 100 valid start and load tests shall be performed with no failures allowed.Failure of the unit tosuccessfully complete this series of tests, as prescribed, will require a review of the system design adequacy,the cause of the failures to be corrected, and the tests continued until 100 valid tests are achieved without anyfailure.The start and load tests shall be conducted as follows:
a) Engine cranking shall begin upon receipt of the dicsel start signal, and the diescl-generator unit shall accelerate to specified frequency and voltage within the required start time.
b) Immediately following step a), the diesel-generator unit shall accept a single-step load ≥50% of thecontinuous kilowatt rating. Load may be totally resistive or a combination of resistive and inductiveloads.
c) At least 90 of these tests shall be performed with the diescl-generator unit initially at warm standby based on jacket water and lube oil temperatures at or below values recommended by the engincmanufacturer.A fter load is applied, the diesel-generator unit shall continue to operate untiljacket waterand lube oil temperatures are within ± 5.5 °C(士10 °F) of the normal engine operating temperaturesfor the corrcsponding load.
d)At least 10 tests shall be performed with the engine initially at normal operating temperature equilibrium defined as jacket water and lube oil temperatures within ± 5.5 C( ± 10 °F) of normaloperating temperatures, as established by the engine manufacturer for the corresponding load.
c) If the cause for failure to start or accept load in accordance with the preceding sequence falls under any of the categories listed below, that particular test shall be disregarded and the test sequence shallbe resumed without penalty following identification and correction of the cause for the unsuccessfulattempt.

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