IEEE 828:2012 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Configuration Management in Systems and Software Engineering

02-13-2022 comment

IEEE 828:2012 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Configuration Management in Systems and Software Engineering
configuration management database(CMDB): a specific type of repository for CM information, usuallya data store, used to record attributes of configuration items, and the relationships between configurationitems, throughout their lifecycle. (ISO/IEC 20000-1 :2011)
NOTE 1—The requirements for the specific type of CMDB tool used for a given project depend on the size andcomplexity of the project and product. For a small-scale project, a CMDB can be as simple as a sprcadsheet.
NOTE 2—Some commercial product CMDBs are specific to Cls in physical configurations, such as ports opened in afirewall; software CMDBs are inherent to CM tools and enable identification of all Cls in all states. CMDBs may behierarchical or federated as needed to accurately determine and organize information about configuration items,CMDBs may provide information to help keep the Configuration Management System(CMS) updated and accurate.
functional configuration audit: an audit conducted to verify that the development of a configuration itemhas been completed satisfactorily, that the item has achieved the performance and functional characteristicsspecified in the functional or allocated configuration identification, and that it is operational and supportdocuments are complete and satisfactory. (1SO/EC 24765:2009)
ISo file: file “image”” of an entire CD or DVD that is encoded according to lSO 9660.
life cycle: evolution of a system,product, service, project, or other human-made entity from conceptionthrough retirement.(1SO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2008)
physical configuration audit: an audit conducted to verify that a configuration item, as built, conforms tothe technical documentation that defines it. (1SO/IEC 24765:2009)
NOTE—In addition to the definitions given in ISO/IECIEEE 24765, the following explanation applies: For software,the purpose of the software physical configuration audit(PCA) is to censure that the design and reference documentationis consistent with the as-built software product.
release:(1) a delivered version of an application that may include all or part of an application (2) collectionof new andor changed configuration items that are tested and introduced into the live environment together(3) a software version that is made formally available to a wider community.(ISO/IEC 24765:2009)
release plan: a plan that describes what portions of system functionality will be implemented in whichreleases and the rationale for each release. It includes or provides reference to a description of releasecontents, release schedule, release impacts and relcase notifications.
repository: a (1) a collection of all software-related artifacts belonging to a system (2) the location/formatin which such a collection is stored.(ISO/IEC 24765:2009)
software: (1) all or part of the programs,procedures,rules,and associated documentation of aninformation processing system. (2) computer programs, procedures, and possibly associated documentationand data pertaining to the operation of a computer system.(ISO/IEC 24765:2009)
software item: (1) source code, object code, control code, control data, or a collection of thesc items (2) anaggregation of software, such as a computer program or database, that satisfies an end use function and isdesignated for specification, qualification testing,interfacing, configuration management, or other purposes( 3 ) identifiable part of a software product. (ISO/TEC 24765:2009)
software release management: management of the activities surrounding the release of one or moreversions of software to one or more customers,including identifying.packaging, and delivering theclements of a product. (ISO/IEC 24765:2009)
version: (1) an initial release or re-release of a computer software configuration item, associated with acomplete compilation or recompilation of the computer software configuration item (2) an initial release orcomplete re-release of a document,as opposed to a revision resulting from issuing change pages to aprevious release. (ISO/IEC 24765:2009)
versioning: the assignment of either unique version names or unique version numbers to unique states ofsoftware configuration items, usually for a specific purpose, such as a release of the software product to anexternal group or the identification of a specific bascline.

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