IEEE 1019:2013 pdf free download – IEEE Recommended Practice for Specifying Electric Submersible Pump Cable – Polypropylene Insulation

02-14-2022 comment

IEEE 1019:2013 pdf free download – IEEE Recommended Practice for Specifying Electric Submersible Pump Cable – Polypropylene Insulation
Because there are so many considerations involved in making the proper cable selection, it is veryimportant for the operator to engage the assistance of its supplier’s cable application engineers during thecable selection process. Each manufacturer has extensive experience with all the features and benefits oftheir particular cable offerings and its input can be invaluable in choosing the proper cable to maximize thevalue of cable investments.API 11S3 and APIRP 11S5 contain information regarding the installation andapplication of submersible pump cable.
NOTE—While this recommended practice recognizes the common practice of continuing to operate the pump’selectrical system after a phase has faulted to ground and that some power distribution systems are even designed withone corner of the delta system grounded, it neither condones nor disapproves of such practice. However, the usershould be aware that such operation produces a higher than normal phase-to-ground voltage across the insulation jacketdielectric of the two ungrounded conductors. Due to the disruption of the normally balanced three-phase field,suchoperation produces stresses through the insulation/jacket dielectric, which shortens cable life.For safety considerations,cable used on the surface between the wellhead and the ventilated junction box should be buried or enclosed inappropriate raceway and is properly grounded.
4.2 Construction
The insulation should be extruded on the conductor.For 3-kV rated cable, average wall thickness should be1.9 mm (0.075 in) or more,with a minimum wall thickness of 1.7 mm (0.068 in) at any point.For 5-kVrated cable, average wall thickness should be 2.3 mm(0.090 in) or more, with a minimum wall thickness of2.1 mm (0.081 in) at any point.
4.3 Gas blockage for stranded conductors
A 30-cm (12-in) specimen of insulated conductor removed from finished cable should be subjected to a0.035-MPa (5-psi) differential air pressure for a period of l h at 25°C (77 °F).The sample ends should becut off flush with a fine-toothed saw blade,and one end of the sample should have a short section of clearflexible plastic tubing slid over the insulation to enable the specimen to be pressurized.The tubing shouldbe attached in place with a small hose clamp [minimum width of binding collar= 6.4 mm (0.250 in)].Theclamp should be tightened with minimum torque to prevent leakage.The opposite end of the sample shouldbe left submerged in water. No air bubbles should be detected at the submerged end of the cable during thetest period.
6.1.1 Size
The thickness of the steel strip for round cable constructions before galvanizing, should have a nominalthickness of 0.64 mm(0.025 in). The minimum wall thickness at any point should be no less than 0.56 mm(0.022 in). The thickness of the steel strip for flat cable constructions, before galvanizing, should have anominal thickness of 0.51 mm(0.020 in).The minimum wall thickness at any point should be no less than0.43 mm(0.017 in). The typical width of the steel strip is 12.7 mm (0.500 in) and should be no more than19.1 mm (0.750 in) before forming.
6.2.1 Round cable
The armor strip should be applied over the cable core with sufficient tightness to compress the jacketsplines to provide sufficient mechanical strength to maintain the integrity of the cable in verticalinstallation. The strip should be helically applied and formed in such a manner as to be interlocked,Thearmor should withstand a seven times overall diameter bend radius without separation of adjacent turns.
6.2.2 Flat cable
The construction should consist of the three-phase conductors laid in parallel.The armor strip should beapplied over the insulated conductors with sufficient tightness to fit snugly. The armor strip should behelically wrapped and formed in an overlapped manner. The assembly should withstand a bend that isseven times the major axis of the cable. The armor overlap should not open up between adjacent turns. Thedirection of bend should be in the normal direction of cable spooling.

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