IEEE 1052:2018 pdf free download – IEEE Guide for Specification of Transmission Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) Systems

02-14-2022 comment

IEEE 1052:2018 pdf free download – IEEE Guide for Specification of Transmission Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) Systems
1.1 Scope
This guide assists users in specifying the functional requirements for transmission static synchronouscompensator(STATCOM) systems using forced commutated technology based on voltage sourcedconverter topologies. This guide covers specifications, applications,engineering studies,main componentcharacteristics,system functions and features,factory testing,commissioning, and operations of theSTATCOM systems. A number of sections in the guide can be used for active filters and for industrial ordistribution system applications. However, reactive power compensation, mitigation of load disturbances,or phase unbalance compensation for industrial and distribution system applications are not included in thisguide.Commercial terms and conditions for the purchase of the STATCOMsystems are also beyond the scopeof this document.
General terms and conditions forming the commercial part of a specification for a particular project are outsidethe scope of this document.
1.2 Purpose
This guide presents technical information that may be used as the basis of functional specifications forSTATCOM systems for transmission systems. For transmission systems,functions covered include reactivepower compensation,voltage regulation and control,transient and dynamic stability,main components,control and protection, and accepted engineering practices for the application of STATCOM systemsapplications. This guide also includes informative appendices that allow users to develop or modify specificclauses to meet a particular system application.The wording deliberately uses “should”rather than “shall”,given that the document is a guide, not a standard specification.The user of this guide might wish to make thisadjustment when converting specific sections into a specification.The guide includes the following:
l) Gain supervision
To control regulator gain in order to prevent oscillations and excessive overshoot in theSTATCOM response, a gain supervision function can be implemented.This function monitorsthe STATCOM response following a system disturbance. If required, an order to reduce theregulator gain based on frequency range, amplitude, and number of consecutive oscillations ofthe response will be issued.Gain reduction should be indicated and provisions for reset should beprovided either automatically or by the operator.
2)Coordinated reactive power control of external devices (optional)
To optimize the use of dynamic vars versus steady state vars, control of externally connectedshunt capacitor or reactor banks can be implemented.Such banks can be connected either locallyto a HV bus also connected to the STATCOM unit (see Figure 4) or remotely several bussesremoved (see Figure 5).The location of the banks to be controlled may call for different strategiesand interface signals. If applied simultaneously with the supplementary VSC current controller,the two functions require careful coordination. External devices like mechanically switchedcapacitor (MSC)/mechanically switched reactor (MSR) can be switched ON or OFF to positionthe steady state operating point of the VSC so as to extend its dynamic range.
3) Supplementary vsC current controller(optional)
To optimize the use of dynamic vars versus steady state vars, a control function that slowlyreduces or offsets the STATCOM point of operation can be implemented. By deliberatelyadjusting the voltage reference setting within a narrow window the STATCOM system output ispushed toward either a specific point or toward a window to preserve dynamic range.This slowoperating function is meant to provide for slower controllers,such as transformer LTCs orexternally connected shunt bank standalone AVR systems to operate and meet the slower longterm voltage variations caused by daily or weekly load variations.Rapid changes in the systemvoltage that call for dynamic compensation will have priority over this type ofcontroller. Figure 6shows an example of implementation of a VSC current controller.

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