IEEE 1137 CORR1:2009 pdf free download – IEEE Guide for the lImplementation of Inductive Coordination Mitigation Techniques and Applications – Corrigendum

02-14-2022 comment

IEEE 1137 CORR1:2009 pdf free download – IEEE Guide for the lImplementation of Inductive Coordination Mitigation Techniques and Applications – Corrigendum
NOTE—The editing instructions contained in this corrigendum define how to merge the material contained therein intothe existing base standard and its amendments to form the comprehensive standard.
The editing instructions are shown in bold italic.Four editing instructions are used: change, delete,insert,and replace.Change is used to make corrections in existing text or tables. The editing instruction specifiesthe location of the change and describes what is being changed by using strikethrough (to remove oldmaterial) and underscore (to add new material). Delete removes existing material. Insert adds new materialwithout disturbing the existing material. Insertions may require renumbering.If so,renumberinginstructions are given in the editing instruction. Replace is used to make changes in figures or equations byremoving the existing figure or equation and replacing it with a new one.Editing instructions,changemarkings,and this NOTE will not be carried over into future editions because the changes will beincorporated into the base standard.
8.5 Application of ShieldingChange third paragraph to read:
The residual current in the power line induces a voltage (50 v <0° @ 60 Hz & and 500 mV < 0° at900 Hz) in alleonductors all conductors and cable shield between locations A and G. Shield current flowsin the cable shield between locations A and G. The magnitude (8.3<-25° A@ 60 Hz and 14.5<-77° mA@ 900 Hz) is the quotient of the induced voltage and the self-impedance of the cable shield (6.04<25° Q2@60 Hz and 34.5< 77° o @ 900 Hz)、The shield current induces a counter voltage in the two 100-paircomplements between locations A and G. The value is the product of the shield current and the mutualimpedance between the shield and pairs (2.6<86.5° Q @ 60 Hz and 33.9<85.76<85.76° Q @ 900 Hz),The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test,measure, purchase,market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard.Furthermore, the viewpointexpressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in thestate of the art and comments received from users of the standard.Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at leastevery five years for revision or reaffirmation. When a document is more than five years old and has not beenreaffirmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reflect the presentstate of the art.Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any IEEE Standard.
In publishing and making this document available, the IEEE is not suggesting or rendering professional or otherservices for, or on behalf of, any person or entity.Nor is the IEEE undertaking to perform any duty owed by any otherperson or entity to another.Any person utilizing this, and any other IEEE Standards document, should rely upon his orher independent judgment in the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances or, as appropriate, seek theadvice of a competent professional in determining the appropriateness of a given IEEE standard.
Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate tospecific applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiateaction to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of concerned interests, it isimportant to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason,IEEE and the members of its societies and Standards Coordinating Committees are not able to provide an instantresponse to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration.A statement, written or oral, that is not processed in accordance with the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manualshall not be considered the official position of IEEE or any of its committees and shall not be considered to be, nor berelied upon as, a formal interpretation of the IEEE.At lectures, symposia,seminars,or educational courses, anindividual presenting information on IEEE standards shall make it clear that his or her views should be considered thepersonal views of that individual rather than the formal position, explanation, or interpretation of the IEEE.

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