IEEE 1547.1a:2015 pdf free download – IEEE Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems

02-14-2022 comment

IEEE 1547.1a:2015 pdf free download – IEEE Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems Requirements
lf used, the simulated area EPS shall meet the requirements of 4.6.1.The measurement system shall meetthe requirements of 4.6.2.
Where these functions have an impact on the unintentional islanding performance of the EUT, the islandingtest procedure shall be conducted at those most severe settings that impact unintentional islandingperformance. The manufacturer shall specify the most severe settings that produce an impact onunintentional islanding.
The test agency shall evaluate and confirm the manufacturers’specifications. The test report shall recordthe manufacturers’specifications and the test agency’s means and methods used to confirm the conditionsthat led to confirmation of conformance to IEEE1547a. Criteria
The EUT shall be considered in compliance if the real power output of the EUT conforms to themanufacturer’s specifications while meeting the unintentional islanding test requirements in this standard.
5.3.4 Real power increase test where the EUT responds to under frequency
The manufacturer shall specify the response characteristics of the EUT real power increase in response tounder-frequency events. Purpose
The purpose of this test is to verify the EUT increases its output of real power in response to under-frequency events as specified by the manufacturer. Procedure
Where the EUT can respond by providing multiple characteristics, this test shall be performed with themost severe combination of characteristics of the available settings.
This procedure uses the step-wise ramp function defined in A.5 and a series of test frequencies sufficient toreproduce the manufacturer’s responsc characteristics (including hysteresis and dead band) with anaccuracy to evaluate the manufacturcr’s accuracy.
a)Connect the EUT according to the instructions and specifications provided by the manufacturer.
b)Where the EUT requires a separate test input source to conduct this test,that source shall becapable of supplying 150% of the input power required to evaluate the EUT in this test regimen.b)Set the EUT operating mode to the curtailed power output modec.
c)Set all EPS source parameters to the nominal operating voltage and frequency.
d)Curtail EUT real power to a single selected value between 50% and 75% of the EUT rated real power output,however,where the EUT can respond by providing multiple characteristics and adifferent curtailment level results in the most severe combination of characteristics of the availablesettings then the test shall be performed at that level.
e)Record applicable settings.
f) Record the EPS frequency and the real power generated by the EUT.
g)Set the source frequency to a value (F 😉 at least twice the manufacturer’s stated frequency sensing accuracy above the under-frequency power increase initiation setting.The source shall be held atthis frequency until power output is stable.
h)Step the source frequency from the initiate point to the lowest frequency value(F) equal to the manufacturer specified final point minus twice the manufacturer’s specified accuracy using thestep-wise ramp function defined in Annex A. Observe and record the time and real power versusfrequency until steady state is achieved.
Step the source frequency from the lowest frequency value(F , for step i) up to nominal (Ff for stepi) using the step-wise ramp function defined in Annex A. The source shall be held at this frequencyuntil power output is stable. Observe and record the time and real power versus frequency untilsteady state is achieved.
j)Repeat steps g) through i) four times for a total of five tests.

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