BS 00559:2009 pdf free download – Specification for the design and construction of signs for publicity, decorative and general purposes

02-15-2022 comment

BS 00559:2009 pdf free download – Specification for the design and construction of signs for publicity, decorative and general purposes.
6.2 Structure
6.2.1 Resistance to wind pressures
The imposed wind load for an external sign or an internal sign that is subjected to wind pressure shall be calculated in accordance with BS EN 1991-1-4 such that the sign withstands the wind load at the site of installation.
The basic wind speed (Vb m/s) and the type of terrain and building category shall be as specified by the purchaser.
The resulting wind pressure on the sign (p) shall be multiplied by the total area of the sign (Ae) (including the sign face and any exposed supporting structure) resulting in the total pressure on the sign (P).
The steel supporting structure shall be designed in accordance with
BS 5950-1.
An overall load factor (yf) of 1.4 shall be used to calculate the ultimate limit state (ULS). The design strength of the selected steel grade shall not be exceeded.
The serviceability load state (SLS) shall be taken as an unfactored load state and used to calculate the temporary deflection of the sign.
The temporary deflection of the sign or part of the sign shall not cause any part of the sign to fail, be dislodged or become unsafe during its service life.
NOTE The suggested limit of temporary deflection for a can tivered sign (pole sign, projecting sign or a similar free standing/supported sign) is given in 855950-1:2000, Table 8, as: Length/180. Circumstances might arise where greater or lesser deflection values would be more appropriate and this would normally be determined by the flexibility and fit of the cladding materials and the permissible stress and in service fretting of the fixings. The suggested minimum temporary deflection is: Len gth/120.
6.2.2 Foundations for fixed free standing signs Foundations for fixed free standing signs shall conform to BS 8004. NOTE 1 Where concrete foundations are used, they should be designed in accordance with the code of practice appropriate to the loading assumptions, e.g. 858110-1.
NOTE 2 The foundations for free standing signs would typically be pad type either of mass concrete or reinforced concrete. For soft natural ground a suitably designed raft or even pile type foundations might be required.
Foundation-bearing pressure shall be as specified or determined by soil investigation. Where the allowable ground-bearing pressure is not specified or determined, reference shall be taken to be the presumed allowable bearing value as given in BS 8004.
Concrete foundations shall be designed for the effects of factored loading.
Where holding-down bolts are used, they shall be designed for the effects of factored loading and be anchored into the foundation by use of suitable anchor plates or by an embedded steel cage.
NOTE 3 Expanding and resin grouted anchors can be used, provided that it can be demonstrated that the required performance can be achieved.
Base plates shall be either tightened down to the top of the foundation or, if raised off the top of the foundation for the purposes of levelling, shall be grouted beneath.
Thickness of components
The minimum thicknesses of cladding materials shall either be:
a) calculated in accordance with BS EN 1991-1-4; or
b) as specified in 6.5 to 6.10.

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