IEEE 1613:2009 pdf free download – IEEE Standard Environmentaland Testing Requirements for Communications Networking Devices Installed in Electric Power Substations

02-15-2022 comment

IEEE 1613:2009 pdf free download – IEEE Standard Environmentaland Testing Requirements for Communications Networking Devices Installed in Electric Power Substations
3.1.1 Operational temperature range
Operational temperature is the temperature of still air measured 30 cm from the surface of the unit(communications networking device) enclosure while in operation and with communications profile 3, asdefined in Table 8 and Tablc 9.For a specified temperature range (for example,-20 °C to +55°C), a unitshall be able to start up and continue its operation at the specified minimum temperature (i.e., -20℃)within 5 min after having been deenergized for a sufficient time such that its internal components havecooled to that temperature without condensation. A unit shall also be able to start up and continue itsoperation within 5 min at the specified maximum temperature (i.e.,+55 °C) after having been deenergizedfor a sufficient time such that its internal components have heated to that temperature. If the unit to betested is modular, then the configuration to be tested shall be the maximum heat-gencrating configurationpermitted by the manufacturer and include dual power supplies if such a design option is available.
6.10.1 Couplinglisolating networks
Figure 6 and Figure 7 show common and transverse mode connections where isolation from a normalcurrent or voltage source is required. This method shall be used when testing power supply, input circuit, oroutput external connection groups.
6.10.2 Capacitive coupling clamp
The capacitive coupling clamp is intended as a means for coupling test waveforms to shielded and othercircuits where direct galvanic connection to the equipment under test (EUT) terminals may impairoperation. Typical use of the clamp for common mode tests is shown in Figure 8.The use of the capacitiveclamp shall be limited to those indicated in Table 6 and Table 7.
The capacitive clamp consists of two conductive surfaces (made of galvanized steel,brass,copper,oraluminum)insulated from cach other by mcans of high-quality insulating supports.Figure 9 shows theconstruction details of the clamp. The coupling effect is established by placing an insulated cable (feedingthe signals to the device under test) through the“V”-shaped duct on top of the clamp and subsequentlyclosing the clamp as much as possible in order to maximize the coupling capacitance between the clampand the cable.
The lower conductive surface of the clamp shall be placed on (and solidly connected to) a ground planewith a minimum area of l m’. The reference ground plane shall extend beyond the clamp by at least 0.1 mon all sides.
The high-voltage coaxial connector intended for connection to the test generator may, for convenience, beprovided on both ends of the clamp.Regardless of the design, however, during the test, the generator shallbe connected to the end of the clamp that is nearest to the device under test.
Due to the high voltages involved, the external insulation on the cable to which the transients are beingcoupled shall be capable of withstanding a 5 kV 1.2/50 us pulse.
6.10.3 Reference ground plane
A reference ground plane shall be used to get reproducible capacitive coupling conditions. The groundplane shall consist of a metallic sheet (copper or aluminum) of at least 0.25 mm thickness. It shall have aminimum size of 1 m by 1 m or project beyond the external dimensions of the device under test by at least0.l m on all sides, whichever is greater. The reference ground plane shall be connected to ground.
6.10.4 Device placement
The device shall be tested in its case above a ground reference plane placed on top of a nonconductive tableapproximately 0.8 m high. The device shall be isolated from the ground reference plane by an insulatingsupport 0.5 mm thick. Floor standing equipment shall be placed on the reference ground plane with theinterposition of an insulating support,0.l m thick, such as dry wood.

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