IEEE 1662:2016 pdf free download – IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design and Application of Power Electronics in Electrical Power Systems

02-15-2022 comment

IEEE 1662:2016 pdf free download – IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design and Application of Power Electronics in Electrical Power Systems
The purpose of distinguishing these functions is to segregate specific PE applications, converter functions, andconverter topologies as discussed later from their respective system-level functions.
The reason for defining the two basic functions “sourcing” and “loading” for power conversion is to acknowl-edge the importance of voltage control in converter fed systems.A lthough a converter that assumes the func-tion of sourcing performs primary voltage control, the one that is loading bchaves passively with respect tovoltage control.Many converters can assume either function solely by applying different control algorithms.These two basic functions have nothing to do with the actual flow of power. In many applications, only oneconverter will assume the function of sourcing in order to maintain system stability.However, it is conceivablethat in special cases, more than one converter can assume sourcing simultaneously. Three examples that illus-trate the different combinations of power flow and function are as follows:
– The active front end of a variable speed motor drive may regenerate power into the system to which itis connected without participating in system voltage control.Therefore, even during the regenerationphasc, this front end converter still assumes the function of loading.
– The machine inverter of a flywheel energy storage system(ESS)connected to a dc distribution system.During the charging of the flywheel, the inverter assumes the function of loading with respect to thedc system.However, if the upstream converter feeding the dc system shuts down and the dc systemshould be powered from the flywheel ESS, its machine inverter will change its function to sourcingbecause it then controls the voltage in the dc system.
Whereas PE that converts power between different frequencies or voltages may also participate in system-lev-el protection functions,certain PE only assumes the function of “protecting.” lIt specifically does not convertpower between different frequencies or voltages, and behaves passive with respect to voltage control.There-fore this protective function is specifically called out in this guide.Examples include static transfer switches,solid-state fault current limiters, and solid-state crowbar switches.
A fourth system level function exists called “active filtering.”This function only affects the quality of thevoltage or current waveforms, although it does not actively control the magnitude of the fundamental wave-form component. Only an SVARC, which is also considered to assume the function of active filtering, affectsthe fundamental current waveform component in voltage-controlled systems.However, while performing thefunction of active filtering, it does not provide primary voltage control, and hence, does not assume the func-tion of sourcing.
4.2 Recommended PEBB architecture for PE applications
The PEBB concept includes power processor blocks (single phases or multiple phases), gate drives and sen-sor blocks, analog-to-digital converter blocks for sensor signals, switching or gate drive control blocks, andblocks for communication with higher level controllers. The exact requirements for the system protection de-pend on its mission and configuration of the system.Each PEBB includes built-in self-protection against volt-age surges, overvoltage and undervoltage,fault currents, ground currents, internal faults, overloads, and overtemperature.From IEEE Std 1676-2010,2 recommended PEBB architecture for PE applications is shown inFigure 1.

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