IEEE 1671.6:2015 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Test Station Description

02-15-2022 comment

IEEE 1671.6:2015 pdf free download – IEEE Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Test Station Description
6.ATML TestStationDescription XML schema names and locations
IEEE provides a download website for material published in association with published IEEE standards,presented in machine-friendly format. This material is digital rights management restricted use material.The ATML family of standards utilizes this download website to allow easy accessibility to all of theATML family XML schemas (and in some cases,examplc XML instance documents). As depicted byFigure 2, the IEEE download website (http:/ contains several folders, eachfolder labeled by an associated IEEE standards number (e.g., IEEE 167l series standards are in the 1671folder). Each folder under this base IEEE standard number contains the material (XML schemas, etc.) forthat ATML family component standard.ATML family component standards are identified by theirIEEE 1671 series dot standard number and the year in which that standard was published by IEEE.
NOTE 1—Standards that are revised will contain a folder for the year in which the standard is reissued.Both folders(for each year the standard was published) will be present on the IEEE download website.
NOTE2—Folders for a particular standard are not available until the standard is published by IEEE, provided thestandard has associated material that is to be made available via the download website.
Figure 2 depicts a portion of the entire IEEE download website as it pertains to the Test Station DescriptionATML family standard.
7.ATML XML schema extensibility
The provision of an extension mechanism is necessary to help ensure the viability of the specification andallow producers and consumers of Test Station instance documents to interoperate in those cases wherethere is a requirement to exchange relevant data that is not included in the Test Station associated XMLschema. The use of the extensions shall be done in a way that a conformant consumer can utilize theextended file without error,discard, or otherwise sidestep the extended data and use the non-extendedportions of the data as it is intended, without crror or loss of functionality.
Extensions shall be additional information added to the content model of the element being extended.
Extensions shall not repackage existing information entities that are already supported by the Test StationXML schema.
An extended instance document shall be accompanied by the extension XML schema and documentationsufficient to explain the need for the extension as well as the underlying semantics and relationship(s) to thebase Test Station XML schema.
The ATML family of standards associated XML schemas allow for three forms of extension:
a)Wildcard-based extensions allow for the extension of the XML schemas with additional elements.
b)Type derivation allows for extending the set of data types by deriving a new type from an existing common clement type.
c)Lists derived from c:NamedValues allowing user-defined properties with attached values.
Extensions are permitted to both the TestStationDescription and TestStationInstance documents, but shallonly occur through the facility of the extensibility mechanism described in Clause 7.As defined in thewiC XML schema standard, any extended schema shall conform to the W3C XML schema specificationand shall not describe any entities defined in the base schema.

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