ASME RT-1:2020 pdf free download – Safety Standard for Structural Requirements for Light Rail Vehiclesand Streetcars

02-16-2022 comment

ASME RT-1:2020 pdf free download – Safety Standard for Structural Requirements for Light Rail Vehiclesand Streetcars
The objective of the passive safety requirements in thisStandard is to reduce the risk of passenger injury anddamage to equipment resulting from collision accidentsby providing a means of protection when other possibi-lities of preventingan accident have failed.In the event ofacollision, application of this Standard provides protectionfor the occupants of new designs of crashworthy vehiclesthrough the preservation of structuralintegrity and reduc-ing the risk of overriding and limiting decelerations. ThisStandard does not extend to the design of the vehicleinterior structures that may help reduce injury riskcaused by impact between the occupants and thevehicle interior, beyond limiting vehicle accelerationand consequential secondary impact velocity of passen-gers colliding with interior surfaces.In addition, this Stan-dard provides measures for design of light rail vehicles(LRVs) and streetcars with the goal of reducing risksto street vehicles and pedestrians when involved in colli-sions.
This Standard relies, where practical, on terms alreadyin use by ASME, the American PublicTransportation Asso-ciation (APTA), and the Institute of Electrical and Electro-nics Engineers (IEEE).For the purposes of this Standard,the following definitions apply:
anticlimber: a structural member or mechanism located ateach end ofthe vehicle used to engage an opposing vehicle,coupled or not, to resist relative vertical travel betweenthe two carbodies during a collision.
articulation: a rotating connection at the intermediateends of carbody sections to allow negotiation of trackswith various vertical and horizontal profiles.
average collision acceleration: the longitudinal accelera-tion of each car-module of the vehicle computed usinga 100 ms simple moving average over the duration ofthe collision event and averaged over each car-module.belt rail: a longitudinal structural member of the carbodylocated on each side of the carbody below the passengerside windows.The distance between opposite belt railsoften establishes the overall width of the carbody, exclu-sive of the side door thresholds,side cameras,and mirrors.carbody: the car-module body comprising its main load-carrying structure above all truck suspension units. ltincludes all components and structural articulationparts that contribute directly to its strength, stiffness,and stability.
car-module: a fully assembled vehicle section that spansbetween couplers, articulating joints, or a coupler and anarticulation.A module may be supported by a truck or maybe suspended between two articulations without a truck.collision posts: a set of two structural posts located at eachend of the carbody, extending from the bottom of theunderframe structure up to the structural shelf. Collisionposts may be made of several structural membersassembled to each other, provided that the requiredperformance is met. They are located at the approximateone-third points across the width of the vehicle and areforward of the seating position of any passenger or crewperson.An alternative to collision posts is a collision wall.collision wall: a structure at the leading end of the vehiclespanning the area between the structural shelf, cornerposts, and top of the underframe.

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