ASME Y14.1:2020 pdf free download – Drawing Sheet Size and Format

02-16-2022 comment

ASME Y14.1:2020 pdf free download – Drawing Sheet Size and Format
1.3.2 cross-Reference of Standards.Cross-referenceof standards in text with or without a date followingthe standard designator shall be interpreted as follows:(a) Reference to other ASME Y14 standards in the textwithout a date following the standard designator indicatesthat the issue of the standard identified in the Referencessection (section 2) shall be used to meet the requirement.(b) Reference to other ASME Y14 standards in the textwith a date following the standard designator indicatesthat only that issue of the standard shall be used tomeet the requirement.
1.3.3 Invocation of Referenced Standards.Thefollowing examples define the invocation of a standardwhen specified in the References section (section 2)and referenced in the text of this Standard:
(a) When a referenced standard is cited in the text withno limitations to a specific subject or paragraph(s) of thestandard, the entire standard is invoked. For example,“dimensioning and tolerancing shall be in accordancewith ASME Y14.5″ is invoking the complete standardbecause the subject of the standard is dimensioningand tolerancing and no specific subject or paragraph(s)within the standard are invoked.
(b)When a referenced standard is cited in the text withlimitations to a specific subject or paragraph(s) of thestandard, only the paragraph(s) on that subject isinvoked. For example, “assign part or identifyingnumbers in accordance with ASME Y14.100” is invokingonly the paragraph(s) on part or identifying numbersbecause the subject of the standard is engineeringdrawing practices and part or identifying numbers area specific subject within the standard.
(c) When a referenced standard is cited in the textwithout an invoking statement, such as “in accordancewith,” the standard is invoked for guidance only. Forexample, “for gaging principles, see ASME Y14.43” isonly for guidance and no portion of the standard isinvoked.
1.3.5 Notes. Notes depicted in this Standard in ALLUPPERCASE letters are intended to reflect actualdrawing entries. Notes depicted in initial uppercase orlowercase letters are to be considered supporting datato the contents of this Standard and are not intendedfor literal entry on drawings. A statement requiring theaddition of a note with the qualifier “such as” is a require-ment to add a note,and the content of the note is allowed tovary to suit the application.
1.3.6 Acronyms and Abbreviations. Acronyms andabbreviations are spelled out the first time they areused in this Standard, followed by the acronym or abbre-viation in parentheses.The acronym is used thereafterthroughout the text.
1.3.7 Units.The International System of Units (s).shown in millimeters,and U.S. Customary units, shownin inches, are both featured in this Standard as indicatedin each figure, table, and paragraph.
1.3.8 Figures.The figures in this Standard are intendedonly as illustrations to aid the user in understanding thepractices described in the text.In some cases, figures showa level of detail as needed for emphasis. In other cases,figures are intentionally incomplete so as to illustrate aconcept or facet thereof. The absence of figure(s) hasno bearing on the applicability of the stated requirementsor practice.To comply with the requirements of this Stan-dard, actual data sets shall meet the content requirementsset forth in the text. To assist the user ofthis Standard,a listof the paragraphs that refer to an illustration appears inthe lower-right corner of each figure. This list may not beall inclusive.The absence of a list is not a reason to assumeinapplicability. Some figures are illustrations of models ina three-dimensional environment.The absence of dimen-sioningand tolerancingannotations in a view may indicatethat the product definition is defined in 3D. Dimensionsthat locate or orient and are not shown are consideredbasic and shall be queried to determine the intendedrequirement. When the letter “h” is used in figures forletter heights or for symbol proportions, select the appli-cable letter height in accordance with ASMEY14.2.Multi-view drawings contained within figures are third-angleprojection.

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