ASME ANDE-1:2020 pdf free download – ASME Nondestructive Examination and Quality Control Central Qualificationand Certification Program

02-16-2022 comment

ASME ANDE-1:2020 pdf free download – ASME Nondestructive Examination and Quality Control Central Qualificationand Certification Program
1-1.1 Scope
(a) This Standard includes both performance-basedand prescriptive requirements to be used for an ASMENondestructive Examination (NDE) and Quality Control(Qc] Central Qualification and Certification Programthat applies to NDE personnel and QC inspection person-nel.
(b) This Standard includes requirements for personneleducation, training, experience,written examinations,andpractical demonstrations.The requirements are based ona systematic approach to training (SAT) process that inte-grates the development of job task analyses (TAs) andbody of knowledge (BoK) requirements.
(c) This Standard is applied by a third-party certifica-tion organization, which is referred to within this Stan-dard as a certification body (CB).
(d) This Standard classifies CB-certified individuals asLevel I, Level lI, or Level III.
(e) Mandatory Appendices 1 and l1 include require-ments specific to the nuclear sector and the boiler andpressure vessel and piping (BPVP) industry sectors,respectively. Mandatory Appendix l1l includes require-ments specific to the qualification and certification ofnondestructive testing personnel to ISo 9712.
1-1.2 Applicability
This Standard is applicable to any industry or industrysector that performs industry sector activities such asmanufacturing, fabrication,construction, installation,maintenance, preservice inspection (PSI), and inserviceinspection (lSI) that require NDE or QC inspections tobe performed by qualified and certified NDE and Qcinspection personnel.
1-1.3 Use of This Standard
This Standard is required to be used when referenced bya user’s code, standard, specification, procedure, orinstruction, which the user has committed to meet oris required to meet. Optional use of this Standard isnot prohibited, but when this Standard is used, all require-ments are mandatory, including those in the applicableMandatory Appendices,except where specificalternativesare provided in this Standard. Use of Nonmandatory
Appendices is optional, but when used, all the require-ments within a Nonmandatory Appendix become manda-tory unless the Nonmandatory Appendix is specified forguidance only. See Nonmandatory Appendix A forguidance on maintenance of the Standard.
1-1.4 Involvement of Regulatory or Enforcement Authorities or Jurisdictions, or AuthorizedInspection Agencies
When a referencing code or standard requires the in-volvement of regulatory or enforcement authorities orjurisdictions or an Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA),those authorities or agencies shall be provided the certi-fied individual’s written approval (see para. 1-7.3) toaccess any record of documentation, qualification, or certi-fication activities performed to meet this Standard.
1-1.6 Eye Examinations
(a) In addition to maintaining certification, candidatesshall demonstrate satisfactory visual acuity to performNDE or QC methods, as applicable. The eye examinationshall be given on an annual basis (i.e., certified personnelshall receive and successfully pass vision acuity examina-tions at intervals not to exceed 1 yr, which expire on thelast day of the month of the expiration date, in order tomaintain their certifications in an active status) in accor-dance with the following requirements:
(1) Near Vision Acuity.The candidate shall demon-strate near vision acuity, natural or corrected,ofJaeger 1 or equivalent at a distance not less than 12in. (30 cm) in at least one eye or shall meet the vision requirements of the referencing code, standard, proce-dure, specification,or instruction. Testing methods thatare capable of determining equivalent visual acuitymay be used.(A medical professional who performseye examinations shall determine equivalency.J
(2) Far Vision Acuity. Far vision acuity testing isrequired only when specified by the applicable sIs.
(3) Color Differentiation/Contrast. Personnel shalldemonstrate the capability to distinguish the colors ap-plicable to the test methods for which certified and todifferentiate contrast between these colors.Acceptedexamination types include H-R-R Pseudoisochromatic,lshihara,Dvorine, and Farnsworth. Equivalent examina-tions may be performed when equivalency by a qualifiedand licensed medical professional has been determined.Any limitation in color perception shall be evaluated inaccordance with the employer’s eye examinationprogram by a qualified individual. Limitations shall bedocumented on the candidate’s eye examination docu-ments.
(4) Vision Correction. When vision correction is nec-essary to pass the visual acuity examinations, the samevision correction device shall be worn during all NDEand QC inspections.Candidates using different correctiondevices, such as eye lenses and contact lenses, during NDEand QC inspections shall complete a visual acuity exam-ination for each correction device.
(b) Responsibilities. The Employer shall
(1) develop and maintain an eye examinationprogram or written practice that complies with this Stan-dard and any other requirements that may be required bya referencing code,standard, specification, procedure, orinstruction
(2) ensure personnel conducting eye examinationsare either medical professionals who perform eye exam-inations or other personnel trained to the employer’s eyeexamination program or written practice
3) maintain the ANDE-certified individual’s eyeexamination records for the duration of the certification

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