ASME B31.8:2016 pdf free download – Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems

02-17-2022 comment

ASME B31.8:2016 pdf free download – Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems
802.2.1 Adequacy for Normal Conditions. The requirements of this Code are adequate for safety under conditions usually encountered in the gas industry. Requirements for all unusual conditions cannot be spe- cifically provided for, nor are all details of engineering and construction prescribed; therefore, activities involv- ing the design, construction, operation, or maintenance of gas transmission, gathering, or distribution pipelines should be undertaken using supervisory personnel hav- ing the experience or knowledge to make adequate pro- vision for such unusual conditions and specific engineering and construction details. All work per- formed within the scope of this Code shall meet or exceed the safety standards expressed or implied herein.
802.2.2 More Complete Analysis. The Code gener- ally specifies a simplified approach for many of its requirements.
(a) For design and construction, a designer may choose to use a more rigorous analysis to develop design and construction requirements. When the designer decides to take this approach, the designer shall provide to the operating company details and calculations dem- onstrating that design, construction, examination, and testingare consistentwiththe criteria ofthis Code. These details shall be adequate for the operating company to verify the validity ofthe approach and shall be approved by the operating company. The details shall be docu- mented in the engineering design.
(b) Foroperationandmaintenance,anoperatingcom- pany may choose to use a more rigorous analysis to develop operation and maintenance requirements. When the operating company decides to take this approach, the operating company shall provide details and calculations demonstrating that such alternative practices are consistent with the objectives of this Code. The details shall be documented in the operating records and retained for the lifetime of the facility.
802.2.3 Safety.
This Code is concerned with
(a) safety of the general public.
(b) employee safety to the extent that it is affected by basic design, qualityofmaterials and workmanship, and requirements for testing, operations, and maintenance of gas transmission and distribution facilities. Existing industrial safety procedures pertaining to work areas, safety devices, and safe work practices are not intended to be supplanted by this Code.
pipeline: all parts of physical facilities through which gas moves in transportation, including pipe, valves, fittings, flanges (including bolting and gaskets), regulators, pres- sure vessels, pulsation dampeners, relief valves, appur- tenances attached to pipe, compressor units, metering facilities, pressure-regulating stations, pressure-limiting stations, pressure relief stations, and fabricated assem- blies. Included within this definition are gas transmis- sion and gathering lines, which transport gas from production facilities to onshore locations, and gas stor- age equipment of the closed pipe type that is fabricated or forged from pipe or fabricated from pipe and fittings. private rights-of-way: as used in this Code, are rights-of- way not located on roads, streets, or highways used by the public, or on railroad rights-of-way. system orpipeline system: either the operator’s entire pipe- line infrastructure or large portions ofthat infrastructure that have definable starting and stopping points. transportation ofgas: gathering, transmission, or distribu- tion of gas by pipeline or the storage of gas. vault: an underground structure that may be entered and that is designed to contain piping and piping com- ponents (such as valves or pressure regulators).

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