ASME QME-1:2000 pdf free download – Qualification of Active Mechanical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Plants

02-18-2022 comment

ASME QME-1:2000 pdf free download – Qualification of Active Mechanical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Plants
This Standard describes the requirements and guide- lines for qualifying active mechanical equipment used in nuclear power plants. The requirements and guidelines presented include the principles, procedures, and meth- ods of qualification. Requirements are specifically de- noted throughout this Standard and are generally recog- nized by the accompanying word shall, while guidelines are accompanied by the word should. This Standard does not apply to electric components such as motors, electric valve actuators, instrumentation, and control devices, which are qualified by conformance with appropriate IEEE standards. It should be recognized that some qualification aspects are performed when the mechanical/electrical component interface is addressed; e.g,Section QV provides qualification guidance for valve assemblies using electric actuators and Section QP provides qualification guidance for pump assemblies using electric motor drivers that have been previously qualified per the appropriate IEEE standards. Qualification of active mechanical equipment in ac- cordance with this Standard is the responsibility of the Owner or the Owner’s designee. It is also the responsi- bility of the Owner or the Owner’ s designee to define specifically any other equipment to which this Standard will be applied. The Owner or the Owner’ s designee is further responsible for program(s) and associated documentation required to ensure continuation of initial qualification of active mechanical equipment that is outside the scope of this Standard. Qualification of mechanical equipment in accordance with this Standard requires utilization of two sections and applicable appendices as a minimum; e.g, Section QR must be used jointly with other sections of the Standard.
These definitions establish the meanings of words in the context of their use in this Standard. Definitions in this Article apply generically to all mechanical equipment within the scope of this Standard. This Standard attempts to assure consistency with established definitions and terms within ASME, IEEE, and regula- tory agencies. aging: the cumulative effects of operational, environ- mental, and system conditions on equipment during a period of time up to, but not including, design basis events, or the process of simulating these effects. aging, natural: aging that occurs within normal service environments as opposed to simulated service environ- ments at magnitudes or rates that are greater than expected in-service levels. Application Report: documentation for a specific ap- plication showing that the required pressure ratings, qualification loading levels, and operating condition capabilities are equaled or exceeded by the correspond- ing pressure ratings, qualification loadings, and op- erating condition capabilities shown in the Functional Qualification Report. Class IE: the safety classification of the electric equip- ment and systems that are essential to emergency reactor shutdown, containment isolation, reactor core cooling, and containment and reactor heat removal, or otherwise are essential in preventing significant release of radioac- tive material to the environment. component, mechanical: those items of a nuclear power plant such as pumps, valves, vessels, piping, and supports (see also equipment, mechanical).

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