UL-2991:2016 pdf free download – Standard for Sustainability of Absorbent

02-18-2022 comment

UL-2991:2016 pdf free download – Standard for Sustainability of Absorbent.
3) Implement sustainability systems and principles that are internationally widely accepted, to address such management issues as: minimizing impacts (water. air, soil, species and habitat); yield and harvesting levels that are sustainable; integrated pest management; protection of rare, threatened and endangered species; management of natural processes (fire, pests, disease); protection of key ecosystems or habitats (leave in natural state): species and habitat protection for exceptional value features and species; sites of exceptional cultural value;
4) Use adequate data and feedback loops for continuous improvement in planning and management for sustainability;
5) Harvested in compliance with all national. state, provincial or local laws
6) Comply with CITES;
7) Employ and contract with adequately trained and qualified forest and ecosystem
professionals to both plan and implement the sustainable forest management program:
8) Implement systems to identify. document and respect legal. customary and
traditional tenure and use rights of indigenous peoples and local communities;
9) Employ accessible and effective processes for resolving disputes of all kinds;
10) Respect internationally widely accepted labour. human rights, and occupational health and safety standards, and protect rights of workers;
b) Evidence of implementation of the sustainable forest management system that includes publicly available documentation of regular, independent auditing for compliance and remediation of non-compliance;
c) System for Evidencing Sourcing.
5.23 SYSTEM FOR EVIDENCING SOURCING A public report issued by an accredited certification body demonstrating conformance to SF1, FSC or PEFC can be used as evidence of meeting the following criteria for a system for evidencing sourcing:
a) Established policy, procedures and controls for tracking and documenting supply quantity and quality and segregating supply inputs and outputs, as needed;
b) Established procedures and documentation for implementing a due diligence system (risk analysis, onsite inspection and external assessments) to mitigate risk of controversial or illegal source wood or fiber;
c) Employs trained management representative and staff with responsibility for ensuring the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the system;
d) Has up to date records and information tracing the source of origin of a fibre supply, including country of harvest, species. quantity, quality, and details of supplier and compliance with legislation or with a particular program of forest management;
e) Independent, regular auditing of the tracking system for compliance with its tracking system program.
6 Product Specific Requirements
6.1 Human Health and Environmental Impacts
6.1.1 The absorbent shall not be formulated or manufactured with any intentionally added ingredients that are carcinogens, mutagens, or reproductive toxins, nor any compounds known to produce or release carcinogens, mutagens. or reproductive toxins.
6.1.2 The absorbent shall not be toxic to humans, as calculated by weighted average of individual ingredients, for each of the following routes of exposure or requirements:
a) Each ingredient should be classified under Category 5 and the product shall demonstrate low oral toxicity with LD5O >5.000 mg’kg using procedures defined in Part 3 of the Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

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