ASME B30.3:2016 pdf free download – Tower Cranes

02-19-2022 comment

ASME B30.3:2016 pdf free download – Tower Cranes
The ASME B30 Standard contains provisions that apply to the construction, installation, operation, inspec- tion, testing, maintenance, and use of cranes and other lifting and material-movement related equipment. For the convenience of the reader, the Standard has been divided into separate volumes. Each volume has been written under the direction of the ASME B30 Standard Committee and has successfully completed a consensus approval process under the general auspices of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
a) Effective Date. The effective date of this Volume of the B30 Standard shall be 1 yr after its date of issuance.Construction, installation, inspection, testing, mainte- nance, and operation of equipment manufactured and facilities constructed after the effective date of this Volume shall conform to the mandatory requirements of this Volume.
(b) Existing Installations. Equipment manufactured and facilities constructed prior to the effective date of this Volume of the B30 Standard shall be subject to the inspection, testing, maintenance, and operation require- ments of this Standard after the effective date. It is not the intent of this Volume of the B30 Standard to require retrofitting of existing equipment. However, whenanitemis beingmodified, its performance require- ments shall be reviewed relative to the requirements within the current volume. The need to meet the current requirements shall be evaluated by a qualified person selected by the owner (user). Recommended changes shall be made by the owner (user) within 1 yr.
Upon receipt by the Secretary, the request will be forwarded to the relevant B30 Subcommittee for a draft response, which will then be subject to approval by the B30 Standard Committee prior to its formal issuance. Interpretations to the B30 Standard will be published in the subsequent edition of the respective volume, and will be available online at
The equipment covered by the B30 Standard is subject to hazards that cannot be abated by mechanical means, but only by the exercise of intelligence, care, and com- mon sense. It is therefore essential to have personnel involved in the use and operation of equipment who are competent, careful, physically and mentally quali- fied, and trained in the proper operation of the equip- mentand the handling ofloads. Serious hazards include, but are not limited to, improper or inadequate mainte- nance, overloading, dropping or slipping of the load, obstructingthe free passageofthe load, and usingequip- ment for a purpose for which it was not intended or designed. The B30 Standard Committee fully realizes the impor- tance of proper design factors, minimum or maximum dimensions, and other limiting criteria of wire rope or chain and their fastenings, sheaves, sprockets, drums

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