ASME QME-1:2017 pdf free download – Qualification of Active Mechanical Equipment Used in Nuclear Facilities

02-19-2022 comment

ASME QME-1:2017 pdf free download – Qualification of Active Mechanical Equipment Used in Nuclear Facilities
demonstration: the provision of evidence to support the conclusion derived from assumed premises. design-basis event (DBE): postulated events (specified by the safety analysis of the facility) used in the design to establish the acceptable performance requirements of the structures and systems. design life: the time during which satisfactory perform- ance can be expected for a specific set of service condi- tions (the time may be specified in real time, number of operating cycles, or other performance intervals, as appropriate). Design Specification: a document prepared by the Owner or the Owner’s designee that provides a basis for the design of a system or component. essential-to-function parts/components: those parts or com- ponents of the assembly that are essential to cause, per- mit, or enable the assembly to perform the specified accident-condition function or whose failure could pre- vent the performance of this function. functionality: ability of an active component to perform the mechanical motion required to fulfill its specified function when subjected to the prescribed service conditions. installed life: the interval from installation to removal during which the equipment or component thereof may be subject to design service condition and system demands. maintenance: work performed on an item to keep it oper- able or to restore it to an operable condition. malfunction: the loss ofcapabilityofequipmentto initiate or sustain its specified function or the initiation of unde- sired actions that might result in adverse consequences. margin: the amount by which the qualification condition levels exceed the service condition levels. may: an expression of permission. mechanical component: those items of a facility such as pumps, valves, vessels, and piping. mechanical equipment: for the purposes of this Standard, mechanical equipment may be used interchangeably with mechanical component or assembly.
production equipment: equipment fabricated with the same manufacturing techniques, materials, production testing, and quality assurance that were used for proto- type or parent equipment. prototype equipment: production equipment representing the first model/type or original design/pattern. Proto- type equipment may be used for qualification testing; when selected for qualification testing, the equipment may also be called candidate equipment. qualification: thegenerationand maintenance ofevidence to ensure/demonstrate that the equipment can meet its specified service conditions in accordance with the Qualification Specification. qualification criteria: criteria developed from those spe- cific service conditions for which the equipment is to be qualified. qualification life: the period of time, prior to the start of a design-basis event, for which the active mechanical equipment was demonstrated to meet the design requirements for the specified service conditions. (Note that at the end of the qualified life, the active mechanical equipment shall be capable of performing the function required for the postulated design-basis and post- design-basis events.) qualification program: the overall cumulative process of specifying, conducting, and documenting the results of those activities required to qualify active mechanical equipment to perform its function in accordance with the Qualification Specification. Qualification Report: documentation of tests, analyses, operating experience, or any combination of these per- formed in accordance with this Standard or the Qualification Specification that demonstrates function- ality of the active mechanical equipment. Qualification Specification: the specification or portion of the Design Specification that describes the qualification requirements to be met in the qualification of the active mechanical equipment.

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