02-19-2022 comment

10.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, only aluminum alloy conforming to the requirements of Specification B 179 or producers foundry scrap, identified as being made from alloy conforming to Specification B 179, shall be used in the remelting furnace from which molten metal is taken for pouring directly into castings. Additions ofsmall amounts ofmodifying and grain refining elements oralloys are permitted.
10.1.2 Pure materials, recycled materials, and master alloys may be used to make alloys conforming to this specification, provided chemical analysis can be taken and adjusted to conform to Table 1 prior to pouring any castings.
10.2 Foundry Control — When specified, castings shall be produced under foundry control approved by the pur- chaser. Foundry control shall consist of examination of castings by radiographic or other approved methods for determining internal discontinuities until the gating, pour- ing, and other foundry practices have been established to produce castings meeting the quality standards furnished by the purchaser or agreed upon by the purchaser and the producer. When foundry practices have been so estab- lished, the production method shall not be significantly changed without demonstrating to the satisfaction of the purchaser that the change does not adversely affect the quality of the castings. Minor changes of ±50°F (±28°C) from the established nominal temperature are permissible.
11.2 Whenspecified, the tensilestrengthandelongation of test specimens cut from castings shall be in accordance with Table 2 for Alloys 354.0, C355.0, A356.0, A357.0, and A444.0. For other alloys a minimum of 75% of the tensile and yield strength values and not less than 25% of the elongation values specified in Table 2 are required. The measurement of elongation is not required for test specimens cut from castings if 25% of the specified mini- mum elongation value published in Table 2 is 0.5% or less. If grade D quality castings as described in Table 3 are specified, no tensile tests shall be specified nor tensile requirements be met on specimens cut from castings.
11.3 Although Alloys 705.0, 707.0, and 713.0 are most frequently used in the naturally aged condition, by agreement of the producer and the purchaser, the castings may be artificially aged. The producer and the purchaser may also agree to base the acceptance ofcastings on artifi- cially aged test bars. The conditions of artificial aging shown in Practice B 597 shall be employed unless other conditions are accepted by mutual consent.
12. Test Specimens
12.1 Separately cast test specimens shall be cast in iron molds. A recommended gating method is shown in Fig. 1. The test section of the tension test specimen shall be cast to size in accordance with the dimensions shown in Fig. 1 and not machined prior to test. Grip ends may be machined to adapt them in such a manner as to ensure axial loading.
12.2 When properties of castings are to be determined, tension testspecimens shall be cutfromthe locations desig- nated on the drawings, unless otherwise negotiated. If no locations are designated, one or more specimens shall be taken to include locations having significant variation in casting thickness, except that specimens shall not be taken from areas directly under risers. The tension test specimens shall be the standard 0.500-in. diameter specimens shown in Fig.

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