ASME Y14.47:2019 pdf free download – Model Organization Practices

02-19-2022 comment

ASME Y14.47:2019 pdf free download – Model Organization Practices
1.3.4 ParenthesesFollowing aDefinition. Whenadefinitionis followedbyastandardreferencedinparentheses, that standard is the controlling standard for the definition.
1.3.5 Notes. Notes in this Standard in all uppercase letters are intended to reflect actual product definition entries. Notes depicted in initial uppercase orlowercase letters are to be considered supportingdata to this Standard and“suchas” is a requirement to add a note, and the content of the text is allowed to vary to suit the application.
1.3.6 Acronyms and Abbreviations. Acronyms and abbreviations are spelled out the first time used in this Standard followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses. The acronym is used thereafter throughout the text.
1.3.7 Units. The International System of Units (SI) is featured in this Standard. It should be understood that U.S. Customary units could equally be used without prejudice to the principles established.
1.3.8 Figures. The figures in this Standard are intended only as illustrations to aid the user in understanding the practices described in the text. In some cases, figures showa level ofdetail as needed foremphasis. In othercases, figures are incomplete by intent so as to illustrate a concept or facet thereof. The absence of figure(s) has no bearing on the applicability ofthe stated requirements or practice. To comply with the requirements ofthis Standard, actual data sets shall meetthe contentre quirements setforth in the text. To assistthe userofthis Standard, a listofthe paragraph(s) that refertoan illustration appearsin the low erright-handcorner of each figure.Theabsence of dimensioning and tolerancing annotations in a view may indicate that the product definition is defined in 3D. Dimensions thatlocate or orientand are notshown are considered basic
5.1 General
Adatasetmaycontainamodel orotheritems thatare atdifferentstates ofcompleteness. These states ofcompleteness may be documented in the data set.
Whenthe completeness states are includedinthe dataset, thedatasetcompleteness states shall be keptas codes inthe critical metadata items for data set. Nonmandatory Appendix A provides application examples ofdata set completeness states.
When used, data setcompleteness states shall consistofthree categories, each given a specific code thatdescribes the state of completeness for that category. The three categories are: maturity state, geometry state, and annotation and attribute state. Each category is defined as follows.
5.2 Maturity State
The maturitystate describes the intended use ofa data setforthe productlife cycle. The maturitystate consists offour completeness levels: M1, M2, M3, and M4.
M1 (conceptual): a data setthatis used when there is a need to verifypreliminarydesign and engineeringand to confirm thatthetechnologyis feasibleandthatthedesignconcepthas thepotentialto be usefulin meeting a specificre quirement.See Figure 5-1, illustration (a).
M2(developmental): adatasetthatis used fortestingorexperimentationandforthe analytical evaluationofthe inherent ability of the design approach to attain the required performance. See Figure 5-1, illustration (b).
M3(production): adatasetthatis used forthe commission, operation, service, anddecommissionofaproduct. See Figure
5-1, illustration (c).
M4 (archive): a data set that is used to store the product information for preservation.

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