Sec.10-5 Inspection and Certification by Manufacturer
10-5.1 Quality control and inspection practice. The manufacturer shall estab- lish the necessary quality control and inspection practice to ensure compliance with this standard. All fittings shall be clean and sound without defecte that could impair their service. .
10-5.2 Repairs of defects. Repairing of defects by welding or other methods shall not be allowed if such repairs could adversely affect the serviceability of the fit- ting or its capability to meet strength requirements of this standard.
10-5.3 Certification by manufacturer. The manufacturer shall, if required on the purchase order, furnish a sworn statement that the inspection and all the specified tests have been made and the results thereof comply with the requirements of this standard.
10-5.4 Foundry records.
The results of the specified tests (Sec. 10-11, Sec.10- 12, Sec. 10-13, and Sec. 10-16 if applicable) shall be recorded and retained for one year and shall be available to the purchaser at the foundry.
Sec.10-6 Inspection by Purchaser
10-6.1 Time and extent. If the purchaser desires to inspect fittings at the manufacturer’s plant, he shall so specify on the purchase order, stating the condi- tions (such as time and extent of the inspection) under which the inspection shall be made.
10-6.2 Access. The inspector shall have free access to those areas of the manufacturer’s plant that are necessary to ensure compliance with this standard. The manufacturer shall make available for the inspector’s use such equipment and instruments as are necessary for inspection. The manufacturer shall provide the in- sDector with assistance as necessary for the handling of fittings.
An additional tolerance shall be permitted over areas not exceeding 8 in. (203 mm) in any direction as follows: for 3- 12 in. fittings, 0.02 in. (0.5 mm); for 14- 48 in. fittings, 0.03 in. (0.8 mm). 10-8.3 Weight. The weight of any fitting shall not be less than the nominal tabulated weight by more than 10 percent for fittings 12 in. or smaller in diameter or by more than 8 perpent for fittings larger than 12 in. in diameter. The nominal tabu- lated weight is the weight of the fitting before the application of any lining or coating other than the standard coatings..
Sec. 10-9 Coatings and Linings
10-9.1 Outside coating. The outside coating for general use under all normal conditions shall be a petroleum asphaltic coating approximately 1 mil (25 μm) thick. The coating shall be applied to the outside of all fittings, unless otherwise specified. The finished coating shall be continuous, smooth, neither brittle when cold nor sticky when exposed to the sun, and strongly adherent to the fitting.
10-9.2 Cement-mortar linings. Cement-mortar linings shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21 .4. If cement-mortar linings are to be furnished, they shall be specified in the invitation for bids and on the purchase order.* Unless other- wise specified, moist cement-mortar linings are given a seal coat of asphaltic material for curing of the cement mortar.
10-9.3 Inside coating. Unless otherwise specified, the inside coating for fittings that are not cement lined shall be a petroleum asphaltic material as thick as prac- ticable (at least 1 mil [25 μm]) and conform to all appropriate requirements for seal coat in ANSI/A WWA C1 04/A21.4.
10-9.4 Special coatings and linings. For special conditions, other types of coat- ings and linings may be available. Such special coatings and linings shall be specifed in the invitation for bids and on the purchase order.