ANSI B77.2:2020 pdf free download – for Funiculars – Safety Requirements

02-21-2022 comment

ANSI B77.2:2020 pdf free download – for Funiculars – Safety Requirements
rope: Unless otherwise specified, the term rope shall mean wire rope, which consists of several strands twisted together. (The terms rope, wire rope, and cable are interchangeable). ropeway: As used in this standard, this term refers to equipment covered under ANSI B77.1 – Passenger Ropeways. rotation-resistant rope: Wire rope consisting of inner strands laid in one direction covered by a layer of strands laid in the opposite direction. This has the effect of counteracting torque by reducing the tendency of the finished rope to rotate. safeguarding: Protection of personnel from hazards by the use of guards, safeguarding devices, awareness devices, or safeguarding methods. safeguarding method: Safeguarding implemented to protect individuals from hazards by the physical arrangement of distance, holding, openings, or positioning of the machine or machine system to ensure that a hazard cannot be reached. safe-location: A method of safeguarding by physically locating either the hazard or the individual such that the hazard is not accessible. shall: This word is to be used to convey a strict requirement, from which the reader/user may not deviate in order to be considered in conformance with the standard. sheave: Pulley or wheel grooved for wire rope. sheave unit: The largest assembly of sheaves that are independently articulated on a common shaft. sheaves, diameter of: Wherever the term diameter is used in specifying sheaves, it refers to the diameter at the bottom of sheave grooves (tread diameter). sheave, guideway: Sheaves that support or hold down any ropes along the guideway or in terminals. (The angle of rope deflection is usually small.) sheave, tension system: A sheave used in the tension reeving system. should: This word is to be used to convey a recommendation, describe a recommended practice or procedure, or introduce a related standard (or publication).
1.5 Quality assurance program
Written Quality Assurance (QA) programs shall be developed and utilized to ensure the integrity of the design, manufacture, construction, operation, and maintenance of funiculars. The objective of these QA programs is to assure that funiculars meet the applicable requirements of this standard.
1.5.1 Design
A Qualified Engineer shall design, or be in responsible charge of the design of new and modified funiculars (see 1 .2.4). The designer’s QA program for new, modified, relocated funiculars shall include verification and documentation of the design criteria. This program shall include calculations, analysis, and checking procedures. For relocated funiculars, the designer of the relocation shall be responsible for the establishment of the QA program for that installation. The designer shall describe what QA methods were used for the various components of the relocated funicular. These methods may include sampling procedures, nondestructive testing, and prior satisfactory “in use” service.

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