ASTM-A307:2021 pdf free download – Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts, Studs, and Threaded Rod 60 000 PSI Tensile Strength.
6.3 Giradke A and B bols, suds, and threaded rod larger than 1V2 in. in diamcter. other than thoe excepted in 6.4. shall preferably be tested full sive and w hen cquipment of suficicnt
capacity 1s available and shall conform to the requirements for tensile strength specified in Table 3 W hen cquipment of suficicnt capacity for full-size lesting is not available. or when
the length of the bolt of stud makes full-size testing impractical. machined specimcns shall be tested and shall conform to the requirements specified in Table 4.
6.4 Grades A and B bolts and studs kess than three diamcters in nominal length of bolts with drilled of undersize heads are not subjcct to tensile tests.
6.5 In the event that bolts. studs. and threaded rod are tested by both full si/e and by machine test specimcn methods, the full-size test shall govern if a controversy betwcen the two methods cxists.
6.6 For bolts, studs. and threaded fod on which both hardness and tension tests are perfomed, acceptance haved on tensile requirements shall Llake preccedence in the cvent that there is controversy over low readings of hardness tesls.
7. Dimensions
7.1 Unless otherwise specified, threads on bolts and studs shall be the C oarse Thread Serics as specified in the latest issuc of ASME BI.1. and shall have a Class 2A tolerance. Unless otherwise specified, threads on threaded rod shall be per the requirements of the latest issue of ASME B18 31.3.
7.2 Unless otherwise specified. Grade A bols shall be hex bolts with dimensions as given in the latest issue of ASME B18.21. Unless oherwise specified, Girade B bolts shall be heavy hex bols w ith dimensioms as given in the latest issue of ASME B18.2.1. Unless otherwise specifed. threads on threaded rod shall be per the requirements of the latest issue of ASME B18.31.3.
7.3 Unless otherwise specified, bolts, studs, and threaded rod to be used with muLs or Lapped holes which have been tapped oversize. in accordance with Specification A56.3 shall have threads a specified in7. 1 hefore hot dip of mechanically deposited /inc coating.
10. Test Methods
10.1 Grades A and B bols and studs shall be tested in accordance with Test Methods F606/T606M.
10.2 Standard square and hex head bolts only shall be tested by the wedge tcension method cxcepi as noted in6.4 Fracture shall be in the body or threads of the bol without any fracture
at the junction of the head and body. Other headed bolts shall be tested by the axial lension method.
11. Inspection
11.1 If the inspection described in 11.2 is required by the purchaser shall be specified in the ingquiry, order. Of contract.
11.2 The inspector represcnting the purchaser shall have free cntry to all parts of the manufacturer S works that concer the manufacture of the matcrial ordened. The manufacturer
shall affond the inspector all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being fumnished in accordance with this specification. All tests and inspections required by the specifcation that are requested by the purchaser s representative shall be made before shipment. and shall be conducted as no to incrfere unnccessanily with the operation of the works.