ISO 11484:2019 pdf free download – Steel products一Employer’s qualification system for non- destructive testing (NDT) personnel

02-09-2022 comment

ISO 11484:2019 pdf free download – Steel products一Employer’s qualification system for non- destructive testing (NDT) personnel.
4.1 General
Under the requirements of this document, the employer has the sole responsibility for providing a declaration of competence that a person in its employ performing NDT tasks has the prerequisite qualifications and has successfully passed qualification examinations, conducted under the auspices of the employer, in one or more of the NDT methods covered by this document, in respect of one of two levels of competence: Level 1 or Level 2.
As an alternative to the use of qualified Level 1 and/or Level 2 personnel in the regular employ of the employer to carry out the required NDT operations, the employer is permitted to engage, on a contract basis, certified Level 1 or Level 2 personnel in accordance with Iso 9712 in the same product sector or equivalent.
In addition, a certified Level 3 individual, either in the regular employ of or engaged by the employer, has the responsibility for administering Level 1 and Level 2 personnel qualification examinations.
The prerequisite qualification requirements in terms of visual acuity, basic education, training and experience shall be fulfilled by each candidate for eligibility of the qualification examinations. These prerequisite requirements shall be verified by the employer and endorsed on the qualification record.
The qualification examination for Level 1 and Level 2 personnel shall consist of three parts:
a) a written general examination;
b) a written specific examination;
c) a practical examination.
The general, specific and practical examinations of the qualification examination shall be conducted, at the employer’s discretion, either by the employer’s qualifying body or by the employer’s authorized/ approved external qualifying body.
The qualification examination results shall be checked/verified by the qualifying body to ensure that the pass-mark requirements (see A) have been fulfilled. The employer’s qualifying body, on the qualifying body’s recommendation, shall issue a qualification record in respect of the individual regarding the NDT method and level of competence (Level 1 or Level 2). The issue of the qualification record provides the individual with the authorization to carry out specified NDT tasks within the employer’s production facilities (i.e. operating authorization).
This qualification record is therefore only valid while the individual is employed, or engaged, by the employer issuing the qualification record.
The employer shall develop a written internal procedure for NDT personnel that meets the requirements of this document. The procedural details that shall be followed to implement an NDT qualification programme include:
— the levels of qualification used by the employer;
— personnel responsibilities;
— training, experience and examination requirements;
— qualification and requalification requirements;
— records requirements.
The written internal procedure shall be approved by a Level 3 individual who is certified in the applicable methods used by the employer.
An individual qualified to NDT Level 1 shall have demonstrated competence to carry out NDT according to NDT instructions under the qualified supervision of Level 2 or Level 3 personnel.
Within the scope of the competence defined on the qualification, Level 1 personnel may be authorized by the employer to perform the following in accordance with NDT instructions:
a) setting-up the NDT equipment;
b) performing NDT;
c) recording and classifying the tests results according to written instructions;
d) reporting the results.
Level 1 qualified personnel are neither responsible for the choice of the test method or the test technique.

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