ANSI HPS N13.36:2001 pdf free download – Ionizing Radiation Safety Training for Workers

02-22-2022 comment

ANSI HPS N13.36:2001 pdf free download – Ionizing Radiation Safety Training for Workers
1.2.2 Management and Supervisory Personnel – In some cases, managers, staff members, technical support personnel, and supervisors are classified as radiological workers and should complete, as a minimum, radiation safety training. Supervisors should receive, as a minimum, the same level of training as the workers they supervise in order to assess their performance.
1.2.3 Short-Term Workers Persons such as contractors, laborers, maintenance workers, craftsmen, technicians, security personnel, etc. who work in facilities for only a short time (e.g., less than one month), may perform tasks involving significant radiological risks. These workers shall receive training commensurate with the risks identified for the job similar to the training provided to regular workers. (NOTE: A review of a contract worker’s prior training records may be helpful in determining training needs. On the other hand, continuous and direct supervision of these workers by a qualified escort should permit a reduction in training requirements.)
1.2.4 Students – Students engaged in activities where an occupational dose is possible shall be provided the same training as regular, full-time employees working under similar conditions.
1.2.5 Emergency Personnel – Fire, police, security, and medical personnel may be regular employees, contractor personnel, or visitors from a nearby location. These individuals shall receive sufficient radiation safety training to permit informed judgments in emergency situations. Training for emergency response personnel should be developed based on an analysis of the tasks involved, as described in Section 7.2.2 (Analysis Phase).
1.2.6 Visitors – This standard shall apply to visitors whose cumulative effective dose equivalent during a visit, or from anticipated and subsequent visits in the current year, may be greater than 100 mrem (1 mSv). This standard may apply to visitors whose dose is expected to be less than the value stated above but who could potentially receive a measurable dose from ionizing radiation. These individuals (as a minimum) should receive radiation safety training that familiarizes them with radiation sources, radiation warning signs and alarms, risks in perspective to potential dose, and appropriate methods of minimizing radiation dose.
1.2.7 Casual Visitors – Visitors who are not expected to receive any significant dose from ionizing radiation during the visit do not need the training covered in Section 1.2.6. However, they should be under the supervision of a qualified escort at all times while in areas controlled for radiological safety purposes. Additionally, visitors should be instructed about their responsibilities while under escort.
Hazard: A source of danger (i.e., material, energy source, or operation) with the potential to cause ilness, injury, or death to personnel or damage to a facility or to the environment (without regard to the likelihood or credibility of accident scenarios or consequence mitigation). Implementation Phase: A step in the performance-based training process that employs developed training materials, lesson plans, and pilot test results to implement effective training programs. Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) Program: A program for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of occupational exposure data created by the Nuclear Energy Agency and co-sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Instructor: An individual who presents classroom, laboratory, on-the-job, or simulator instruction; or one who develops training programs and materials and evaluates trainees; and who meets the requirements as specified in Section 8 of this standard. ANSI/HPS N13.36-2001 lonizing Radiation: see Radiation. Job Evaluation (or Job Analysis): A systematic process of determining the tasks and training

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