ASTM-A479/A479M:20 pdf free download – Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels

02-22-2022 comment

ASTM-A479/A479M:20 pdf free download – Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels.
SI. Materials for High-temperature Service
Sl.l Unless an H grade has been ordered, this supplementary requirement shall be specified for ASME Code applications for service above 1001) °F [540 °CJ.
S 1.2 The user is permitted to use an austenitic stainless steel as the corresponding H grade when the material meets all requirements of the H grade including chemistry. annealing temperature, and grain site (see Section 6).
S 1.3 The user is permitted to use an L grade austenitic stainless steel for service above 1000°F [540 °CI, subject to the applicable allowable stress table of the ASMF. Code, when the material meets all requirements of this specification and the grain size is ASTM No. 7 or coarser as detemilned in accordance with Test Methods El 12. The grain size shall be reported on a Certified Test Report.
S2. Corrosion TesLs
S2. I Intergranular corrosion tests shall be performed by the manufacturer on sensitized specimens of Types 304L 3 l6L 321, 347, and 348. and for the other austenitic grades. on specimens representative of the as-shipped condition. All austenitic stainless steels shall he capable of passing inter- granular corrosion tests in the as-shipped condition. Tests shall be pert ormed in accordance with Practice E of Practices A262.
S3. Product Analysis
S3.l An analysis shall be made by the manufacturer on a sample from one bar in each lot as defined in Specification A484/A484M. The analysis shall meet the requirements of Table I. In the event of failure, the lot represented shall be rejected except that, at the option of the manufacturer, each bar in the lot may be tested for acceptance. Product analysis tolerance provisions do not apply.
S4. Material for high Cycle Fatigue Service
S5.l This supplementary requirement is to be referenced when austenitic stainless steels are to be purchased with solution-annealing as the final operation and with no subsequent cold drawing permitted. Straightening is permitted as a final operation to meet the straightness requirements of Spedtication A4X4/A484M unless specifically prohibited by the purchaser.
S6. l)emonstration of the Ahseiicc of I)etriniental Intermetallic Phase in Austenitic and Austenitic-Ferritic (l)uple Grades
S6. I This supplementary requirement is to be referenced when the austenitic or duplex stainless steels are to be purchased with testing to demonstrate the absence of detrimental intermetallic phases that can have negative etiects on mechanical properties or corrosion resistance of the material. The test method(s), reporting requirements. and acceptance criteria shall be agreed upon by the manufacturer and purchaser in the purchase agreement.

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