ANSI MSS SP-44:2019 pdf free download – Steel Pipeline Flanges

02-22-2022 comment

ANSI MSS SP-44:2019 pdf free download – Steel Pipeline Flanges The choice and use of alloying elements, within the limits prescribed in Table 1, to give the required tensile properties prescribed in Section 3.1.4, shall be made by the flange manufacturer and included and reported in the ladle and product analysis to identify the type of steel.
3.1.4 The steel used shall be capable of meeting the requirements of Section 4 and the flange manufacturer’s design conditions, as specified in Annex A for welding neck flanges and Annex B for blind flanges. The tensile properties of the finished product shall meet the requirements prescribed in Table 2. All test methods shall be as specified in ASTM A370. Lot (Definition) A “lot” is a particular quantity or batch of identified material/product from a single manufacturer. For the purposes of this Standard Practice, a lot is further limited to material from the same raw material heat lot that is forged/rolled and heat treated together in the same furnace load. Lot Sampling Samples shall be taken per raw material lot, per heat treatment run if furnaces are annually surveyed (minimal) in accordance with A991/A991M (or equivalent), with ±15 °C (±25 °F) temperature uniformity, and control and recording sensors calibrated quarterly. Test Specimens The test specimens may be taken tangential from the forgings at the locations shown in Figure 4 or, at the manufacturers’ option, from the billets or forging bar entering into the finished product, provided such a test blank has undergone relatively the same forming and the equivalent heat treatment as the finished flange. The dimensions of the test blank must be such as to adequately reflect the heat treatment properties of the hub of the flange. When a test blank is used, the test specimens shall be taken from mid-wall of the test blank and the orientation shall be transverse to the direction of major working.
3.1.5 Impact testing is not required on Grade F42 and lower. For Grades over F42, the Notch Toughness properties shall be determined with full size Charpy Type A, V-notch specimens, in accordance with ASTM A370. Sub-size specimens shall be used only when material to be tested is of insufficient thickness. Charpy specimens shall be taken at the same frequency, from the same location and orientation as the tensile, with the notch perpendicular to the surface. For plate, (blind flanges only), specimens shall be taken transverse to the direction of rolling. From each lot, one set (three specimens) shall be tested at a maximum temperature of -45 °C (-50 °F) and show 27 J (20 ft-lb) minimum average, 20 J (15 ft-lb) individual minimum. Percent shear shall be reported for informational purposes only. The test specimens shall have undergone relatively the same forming and the equivalent heat treatment as the finished flange.
3.1.6 Hardness Two hardness tests shall be made for each heat treatment lot by the Brinell method as specified in ASTM A370. When more than one forging is produced from each heat, a minimum of two forgings shall be tested with one reading from each forging. When only one forging is produced, it shall be tested in two locations. Hardness shall be HBW 235 as a maximum.
3.1.7 Repair by Welding Repair by welding is only permitted by agreement with purchaser. Weld repair procedure and welder qualifications shall be per ASME BPVC, Section IX.
3.2 Bolting The bolting listed in Table 3 shall be used in flanged joints covered by this Standard Practice. Bolting produced from other materials may be used if permitted by the applicable code or governmental regulation. All bolting materials are subject to the following limitations.

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