ANSI ORM.1:2017 pdf free download – Security and Resilience in Organizations and their Supply Chains—Requirements with Guidance

02-22-2022 comment

ANSI ORM.1:2017 pdf free download – Security and Resilience in Organizations and their Supply Chains—Requirements with Guidance
The Standard recognizes that organizations do not operate in isolation but rather as part of a complex and interconnected ecosystem. It is not sufficient to manage just internal organizational risks, but it is essential for organizations to take a systems approach and understand the risk characteristics and interactions with individuals, organisations, the community and society. To properly manage risk, organizations need to assess the internal and external context of their activities, functions, products and services. This includes the risk factors related to its end-to-end supply chain, interdependencies and dependencies. This Standard takes a jurisdictional/country and discipline neutral approach to managing the uncertainties in achieving the organization’s strategic, operational, tactical, and reputational objectives. Risk management is viewed from a proactive and forward-looking perspective to protect and create value for the organization and its stakeholders. In order to build resilience, organizations need to continually integrate and optimize their risk and business management processes. By fully integrating its risk management processes throughout its enterprise-wide business management activities, the organization is empowered to make informed decisions based on best available information.
Resilience takes a forward-looking view of risk, fully integrating business and risk management into the organization’s system of management. Risk is viewed as inevitable and having the potential for positive outcomes. People in a resilient organization ask themselves: “what are the positive changes we can make to strengthen the organization?” This means better understanding where you are to assist in knowing where you are going. It also means acknowledging weaknesses and threats in order to build strengths and opportunities. Risk is the effect of uncertainty on the achievement of strategic, operational, tactical, and reputational objectives (ANSI/ASIS/RIMS RA.1-2015). All activities involve a certain amount of uncertainty. Uncertainty is the state where outcomes are unknown, undetermined, or undefined; or where there is a lack of sufficient information. Outcomes may be positive, negative, or neutral. Individuals, organizations, and communities must decide how much risk and uncertainty they are willing to accept or take in order to achieve their objectives and desired outcomes. Objectives may include short and long term strategic goals related to the whole or parts of the organization and its value chain (including its supply chains), as well as operational and tactical issues at all levels of the organization. The management of risks is a function of the organization’s objectives, appetite for risk, and its desire to exploit an opportunity or minimize a potential negative consequence. There is no simple formula or standardized approach to managing risk and building resilience. It must be tailored to the organization and it context. Resilience promotes a perspective of enterprise-wide agility and adaptability in a dynamic and uncertain environment. Resilient organizations fully integrate a holistic and proactive risk management perspective into good business management practice to enhance their buffering and adaptive capacity.

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