ANSI SCTE 24-6:2016 pdf free download – IPCablecom 1.0 Part 6: Management Information Base (MIB) Framework

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ANSI SCTE 24-6:2016 pdf free download – IPCablecom 1.0 Part 6: Management Information Base (MIB) Framework
1.1 Purpose
This standard describes the framework in which IPCablecom MIB (Management Information Base) modules are described. It provides information on the management requirements of IPCablecom compliant devices and functions and how these requirements are supported in the MIB modules. It is intended to support and complement the actual MIB module documents, which are issued separately. This document addresses some aspects of the voice communications capabilities of an IPCablecom network. The legal/regulatory classification of IP-based voice communications provided over cable networks and otherwise, and the legal/regulatory obligations, if any, borne by providers of such voice communications, are not yet fully defined by appropriate legal and regulatory authorities. Nothing in this specification is addressed to, or intended to affect, those issues. In particular, while this document uses standard terms such as “call,” “call signaling,” “telephony,” etc., it will be evident from this document that while a Packet-Cable network performs activities analogous to these PSTN functions, the manner by which it does so differs considerably from the manner in which they are performed in the PSTN by telecommunications carriers. These differences may be significant for legal/regulatory purposes.
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of Subcommittee approval, the editions indicated were valid. All documents are subject to revision, and while parties to agreement based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the documents listed below, they are reminded that newer editions of those documents might not be compatible with the referenced version.
IPCablecom MIB modules are designed to provide necessary functionality defined in IPCablecom specifications. The MIB design follows the same multi-phase schedule as the rest of IPCablecom specifications. MIB modules that are developed for IPCablecom 1.0 support Embedded-MTAs and in most cases Standalone MTAs, and provide definitions for call signaling and MTA device provisioning functions. Future IPCablecom development phases will include other functional areas as well as requirements for other IPCablecom components, which will be considered for MIB module development. Table 1 lists IPCablecom functional areas that are in the scope of IPCablecom 1.0.
5.2 General Requirements
The IPCablecom MIBs Framework Specification follows the Internet Standard Management Framework described in RFC 3410 [19]. Additionally, the following requirements have been considered in the design of the IPCablecom MIB modules.
• IPCablecom 1.0 devices must be compliant with DOCSIS 1.1 or DOCSIS 2.0; therefore IPCablecom 1.0 devices MUST support DOCSIS 1.1 or DOCSIS 2.0 MIBs as defined in section 6.1 of this document.
• Take a minimalist approach for design of the IPCablecom MIB modules, i.e., if other MIB modules define the same functions, then rely on these MIB modules rather than create new ones.
• Organize MIB modules to support both Embedded and Standalone MTA. Note that IPCablecom 1.0 only requires Embedded MTA support.
• Organize MIB modules so as to allow functional partitioning of DOCSIS (high-speed data) and IPCablecom (voice) features.
• DOCSIS 1.1 or DOCSIS 2.0 within IPCablecom applications requires support of SNMPv3; therefore IPCablecom MIB agents MUST comply with SNMPv3.
• IPCablecom MIB modules MUST comply with SMIv2 as defined in IETF STD 58 [25]. In the following sections we will consider some of these requirements in detail.

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