ASTM-A972/A972M:00(R2021) pdf free download – Standard Specification for Fusion Bonded Epoxy-Coated Pipe Piles

02-22-2022 comment

ASTM-A972/A972M:00(R2021) pdf free download – Standard Specification for Fusion Bonded Epoxy-Coated Pipe Piles.
6.2 To achieve the required coating thickness (see 7.1), the steel shall be preheated prior to applying the powder coating in accordance with the powder coating manufacturer’s written recommendations. The heat source shall not leave a residue or contaminant on the steel surfaces. If oxidation occurs, the steel shall be cooled to ambient temperature and recleaned before applying the powder coating.
6.3 The powder coating shall be applied and cured in accordance with the powder coating manufacturer’s written recommendations.
6.4 Areas of pipe piles not requiring coating to allow for welding or other purposes shall be specified by the purchaser and shall be blocked-out during the coating application.
7. Requirements for Coated Pipe Piles
7. 1 coating Thickness:
7.1.1 The minimum coating thickness after curing on the pipe piles shall he 300 .im [1 2 mils].
7.1.2 The coating thickness shall be measured in accordance with Test Method G12 following the instructions for calibration and use recommended by the thickness gage manufacturer.
7.2 C’oating continuity:
7.2.1 Holiday detection shall be performed on each coated pipe pile in accordance with NACE RP0490 or a 67.5 V direct current. 80-k Q wet-sponge holiday detector in conjunction with a wetting agent.
7.2.2 Holidays detected shall be pached in accordance with the patching material manufacturer’s written recommendations.
8. Test Frequency
8.1 Measure the coating thickness on a minimum of every l0” pipe pile.
8.2 Test the coating continuity over the entire coated surface of each pipe pile.
9. Permissible Coating Damage and Repair of Damaged Coating
9.1 Coating damage to pipe piles due to handling or other causes shall be repaired in the manufacturer’s plant with patching material prior to shipment.
9.2 The areas of coating damage shall be prepared for the application of patching material by cleaning the damaged area, removing the damaged coating using grinders or other suitable means, feathering the adjacent coating, and removing all remaining residue or dust.
9.3 The application of the patching materials to the damaged areas shall be in accordance with the patching material manufacturer’s written recommendation.
10. Inspection
10.1 The purchaser’s representative (inspector) shall be allowed entry to the area of the manufacturer’s plant where work on the purchaser’s order is being performed during times of operation. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector all reasonable facilities to satisfy that the material is being furnished in accordance with this specification.
10.2 The inspector shall be allowed to select completed pipe piles randomly for inspection and testing in the manufacturer’s plant. Such inspections and tests conducted by the inspector shall not interfere unnecessarily with the manufacturer’s operation.
11. Rejection
11.1 Coated pipe piles represented by test specimens that do not meet the requirements of this specification shall he rejected. At the manufacturer’s option, rejected sections shall be replaced, or may he stripped of coating, cleaned, recoated, and resubmitted for acceptance testing in accordance with the requirements of this specification.
12. Certification
12.1 Upon request by the purchaser, the manufacturer shall furnish, at the time of shipment, written certification that the coated sections meet the requirements of this specification.

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