ANSI SCTE 84-1:2017 pdf free download – HMS Common Inside Plant Management Information Base (MIB) Part 1: SCTE-HMS-HE-COMMON-MIB

02-23-2022 comment

ANSI SCTE 84-1:2017 pdf free download – HMS Common Inside Plant Management Information Base (MIB) Part 1: SCTE-HMS-HE-COMMON-MIB
instance of discreteAlarmState, and each instance of currentAlarmState shall remain in the state prior to detectionDisabled(1) being applied. The detectionEnabled(2) value permits alarm detection to run. The detection process continues from the state the headend entity was in prior to detectionEnabled(2) being set. The detectionEnabledAndRegenerate(3) value clears all alarm information and permits alarm detection to run. All alarm properties, both discrete and analog, are restored to the nominal value before alarm detection runs. Any properties that are in an alarm state SHALL NOT produce a ‘return to normal’ alarm as part of the process. Setting this value clears the heCommonLogTable and the currentAlarmTable. The detectionEnabledAndRegenerate(3) value is transient, that is a SET request with a value detectionEnabledAndRegnerate(3) shall return the same value detectionEnabledAndRegnerate(3). Subsequent GET requests shall return a value detectionEnabled(2). The detectionDisabled(1) value shall affect the generation of heCommonAlarmEvent trap only. Traps added in the future are assumed to be unaffected by this object, unless stated in the description of that trap. This object has a default value of detectionEnabled(2).
“The current number of entries in the heCommonLogTable. Before the very first wrap-around condition occurs for heCommonLogIndex, heCommonLogNumberOfEntries will return the total number of entries logged in heCommonLogTable, since the unit was powered up. After the first wrap-around condition has occured for for the value of the MIB variable heCommonLogIndex, heCommonLogNumberOfEntries will return the maximum number of rows the heCommonLogTable can hold. ”
“An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the log table. Indexes are assigned beginning with 1 and increased by one with each new log entry up to 65535. The next entry after 65535 is one. The agent may choose to delete the oldest instances of heCommonLogEntry as required because of lack of memory. It is an implementation-specific matter as to when this deletion may occur. Note – The wrap-around for the heCommonLogIndex variable MUST occur after 65535 regardless of the implementation specific size of the hl Common Log Table.”
“The collection of notifications used by the headend agent to report the exceptional conditions to the management application.”

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