ANSI SCTE 87:2017 pdf free download – Graphic Symbols for Cable Systems

02-23-2022 comment

ANSI SCTE 87:2017 pdf free download – Graphic Symbols for Cable Systems
The orientation of a symbol on a drawing, including a mirror image presentation, does not alter the meaning of the symbol. Line width does not affect the meaning of a symbol. In specific cases, a wider line may be used for emphasis. Generally, lines must be made sufficiently wide to avoid loss of resolution during photocopy reduction. Symbols shown in this text are in the approximate correct size and proportion. This relationship should be maintained as nearly as possible on any particular drawing regardless of the symbol scale. Symbols may be drawn to any proportional size that suits a particular drawing, depending upon reduction or enlargement anticipated. If essential for purposes of contrast, some symbols may be drawn relatively smaller than the other symbols on a drawing. The Standard recommends the use of no more than two sizes on a given drawing. For simplification or clarification of a drawing, parts of a symbol for devices, such as amplifiers, may be separated. If this is done, suitable designations to show proper correlation of the parts must be provided.
1.2. Scope
The scope of this documentation is to illustrate the symbols recommended for Telecommunication drafting needs. It also provides recommendations for attributes both visible on the drafted map as well as embedded in the symbol when building a database mapping application. This will provide better data capturing and provide a better source of record for internal and external users. It will provide much better benefit when moving to a mobile solutions to our boundary partners. With the need for a cleaner and more intuitive maps the data captured is needed in more granular detail of information with embedded attributes or extended symbol attributes which allows for more comprehensive data. Due to the necessary crowding of symbols onto telecommunication system mapping and grid diagrams, some symbols are structured differently than those used in electrical and electronic diagrams
The benefit using this will assistance to make better engineering decisions, help with reports and easier to make transitions into other tools that rely on consistence data integrity. It also provides the benefit to make the data more consistence across the industry. The benefits for this are long term this is a living and growing document. It will constantly grow and change but the core symbols and fundamentals are mostly consistence, attribute could change more often which would help streamline data input and improve reporting and decision planning. The benefit for this on the industry would help align all companies with more consistency, support job sharing with Design and Drafting within markets, aid the field technicians both locally and when traveling to another market and this will help with joining forces when companies need to come together and provide tie points for national backbone connections

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