ANSI SCTE 94-2:2017 pdf free download – HMS Common Inside Plant Management Information Base(MIB) SCTE-HMS-HE-RF-SWITCH-MIB

02-23-2022 comment

ANSI SCTE 94-2:2017 pdf free download – HMS Common Inside Plant Management Information Base(MIB) SCTE-HMS-HE-RF-SWITCH-MIB
Thus, an A-B RF switch (2 RF inputs and one RF output) will be represented by one row in entPhysicalTable, one row in heCommonTable, one row in heRFSwitchUnitTable, two rows in heRFS witchInputTable and one row in heRFS witchOutputTable. Additionally, a crossbar RF switch (2 inputs and 2 outputs) will be represented by one row in entPhysicalTable, one row in heCommonTable, one row in heRFS witchUnitTable, two rows in heRFSwitchInputTable and two rows in heRFSwitchOutputTable. Correlation of outputs and inputs are indicated by the heRFSwitchState variable. Correlation of physical inputs and outputs to heRFSwitchInputTable and heRFSwitchOutputTables rows is indicated by the heRFSwitchInputDescription and heRFSwitchOutputDescription variables.
“Sets the intended state of the RF Switch. The effect of this control will depend on the value of heRFSwitchMode.
If heRFSwitchMode is set to automatic, the value this control is set to will be the preferred setting. If it is set to manual, the switch will assume this setting. Actual switch operation while changing switch control value(s) is up to the equipment vendor. For example, if the switch is in manual mode and the operator tries to connect the output to an invalid input, the switch may or may not change state. Not all enumerations must be supported. For example, an A-B RF switch may support only the pathA and pathB enumerations while a cross-bar switch may support cross, bar, bothA or bothB or only cross and bar but not pathA and pathB enumerations. See the note below about the expected SNMP response.
A value pathA(1) connects the switch output to side A (first input) of the switch. This enumeration is intended for use by an A-B switch.
A value pathB(2) connects the switch output to side B (second input) of the switch. This enumeration is intended for use by an A-B switch.
A value cross(3) connects the switch outputs to the inputs as follows: Side A (first or primary) output is connected to side B
(second or alternate) input.Side B (second or alternate) output is connected to side A (first or primary) input.
This enumeration is intended for use by a cross-bar switch.
A value bar(4) connects the switch outputs to the inputs as follows:Side A (first or primary) output is connected to side A
(first or primary) input.Side B (second or alternate) output is connected to side B (second or alternate) input.
This enumeration is intended for use by a cross-bar switch.

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