BS ISO IEC 25024:2015 pdf free download – Systems and software engineering – Systems andsoftware Quality Requirementsand Evaluation (sQuaRE) – Measurement of data quality
Any measurement process for requirement,implementation, or evaluation of data quality shall beconformed to this International Standard:
a) selecting data quality characteristics to be specified or evaluated as defined in ISO/IEC 25012;
b) selecting a target entity for which data quality characteristic shall be measured;
c)selecting the appropriate data quality measures defined in Clause 8 by each data quality characteristic concerning a target entity;
d) providing the rationale for any changes when modify the data quality measures;
e)listing any additional quality measures or quality measure elements used that are not included in this International Standard.
Order of items a) and b) can be applied in reverse.
When using modified or new data quality measures, the user shall specify the target entities,measurement method, and related data quality characteristics of IlSO/IEC25012 or specifying any otherdata quality model that is being used. This lnternational Standard does not provide a complete list ofquality measure related to data defined during the data-life-cycle. The user may also identify someother quality measures depending on the technology applied. Even if a number of quality measuresincluded in this International Standard have not been empirically validated and some of them are notbased yet on best practices observed in industry, this International Standard is still a good base and anopportunity to improve the data quality measures.
4.1 architecture
<system> fundamental concepts or properties of a system in its environment embodied in its elements(4.19), relationships, and in the principles of its design and evolution [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 42010:2011]
Note 1 to entry: In this International Standard, the term “architecture” is intended as “architecture of data” , aparticular view of the architecture being the work products considered expression of the perspective ofa specificsystem that concerns data(4.5).Architecture of data includes architecture elements such as contextual schema(4.4), conceptual, logical, physical data models, data dictionary (4.6), and documents. In practice architecture ofdata and data modelling,from the beginning of software engineering, have many levels, such as external model(view), conceptual, and physical (see ANSI/X3/SPARK Three Level Architecture, 1975).
Note 2 to entry: The term “environment”is used in ISO/IEC 42010 to refer (system) context determining thesetting and circumstances of all influences upon a system that includes developmental, technological, business,operational,organizational, political, economic,legal, regulatory, ecological, and social influences (in thislnternational Standard, the (system) context, where data models (4.10) are applied, can be represented by thecontextual schema (4.4).
Note 3 to entry: In lSO/IEC 42010,4.2.4,Note 1, “the architecture of a system is a holistic conception of thatsystem’s fundamental properties best understood via multiple views of that architecture”.
6.1 Data quality measurement concepts
Stated and implied needs of system/software quality are represented in the SQuaRE series of standardsby quality models that categorise system/software product quality, quality in use and data qualitycharacteristics. The concept of data quality characteristics is defined in iSo/iIEC 25012 that categorizesdata quality into 15 characteristics.
The measurable quality-related properties of a data are called properties to quantify, with associatedQMs. These properties are measured by applying a measurement method. A measurement methodis a logical sequence of operations used to quantify properties with respect to a specified scale.Theapplication of a measurement method is called a QME.
The data quality characteristics can be quantified by applying measurement functions. A measurementfunction is an algorithm used to combine QMEs.The result of applying a measurement function derivesQM.In this way,QMs become quantifications of the data quality characteristics.More than one QM canbe used for the measurement of a data quality characteristic (see ISO/IEC 25021,Figure 5).