BS ISO IEC IEEE 26531:2015 pdf free download – Systems and softwareengineering – Contentmanagement for productlife-cycle, user and servicemanagement documentation

02-09-2022 comment

BS ISO IEC IEEE 26531:2015 pdf free download – Systems and softwareengineering – Contentmanagement for productlife-cycle, user and servicemanagement documentation
Content management, if well controlled and managed, increases staff productivity and reduces developmentand publishing costs.Productivity increases are achieved by implementing processes that support structuredauthoring and content reuse. Structured authoring implies that content is authored according to specifiedtemplates, depending upon the type of content to be developed.Content reuse implies that content objectsare stored and maintained uniquely, decreasing the cost of updating and translating the same content multipletimes.
Content reuse also implies that a content object is a single source of authoritative content, ensuring that thesame information and the exact message appears in every instance of output,decreasing the liabilityassociated with incorrect information. Development costs are reduced because existing content is available toauthors through search and retrieval,implying that specific information is created and updated only once.Publishing costs are reduced because content objects may be published in more than one format through theuse of automated publishing routines.
lf content is developed using XML Document Type Definitions (DTDs) or schemas, the cost of formatting thatcontent in multiple languages is eliminated once appropriate style sheets are in place.For those organizationsthat are required by regulatory bodies or by customer requirements to publish content in multiple languages,CCMSs and processes enabie significantly decreased time and cost. CCMSs that enable rigorous linkingbetween content objects also support links between source and target language content objects. Once a bodyof content has been translated, CCMSs establish links between source and target language content objectsso that only new or revised content need be translated. Previously translated content need not be sent againfor translation, reducing not only translation costs but also administrative costs in handling already translatedcontent.
8.4Authoring guidelines
Organizations shall develop authoring guidelines to provide instructional material to support the developmentof content that conforms to the information model. Guidance shall be provided on the correct selection ofinformation types, the correct implementation of inline elements,the correct application of XML elementswithin each information type,and other requirements that help to specify the organization’s XML standardsimplementation.
Authoring guidelines assist authors in planning and developing each document item, information type,andcontent unit required in the information-development lifecycle. Authoring guidelines instantiate the informationmodel in a form that provides assistance and training for authors. The goal of authoring guidelines is to ensurethat authors understand and conform to the structures defined in the information model.Authoring guidelinesmay also provide guidance for authors who are developing unstructured content. They may include guidanceon proper use of terminology, writing style, grammar, and spelling, typical content of style guides.
Many organizations adopt authoring guidelines based on prominent published guidelines that emphasizeproducing quality technical information. In addition, such organizations supplement published guidelines withspecific information dealing with the content the organization produces. However,traditional style guides arenot sufficient to provide authoring guidelines for developing structured content.
8.4.1Training authors
Authoring guidelines shall be used to train new authors in the rules established by the organization.
Authoring guidelines should include process guidelines for content management processes, such as creatingvariants and revisions,managing translation processes, and incorporating reuse mechanisms.Authoringguidelines should also include examples of developed content objects,including documents,topics, contentunits, and inline elements.

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