ASTM C788:03(R2021) pdf free download – Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade Uranyl Nitrate Solution or Crystals

02-23-2022 comment

ASTM C788:03(R2021) pdf free download – Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade Uranyl Nitrate Solution or Crystals.
3.1.1 Terms shall be defined in accordance with Terminology (859, except for the following: commercial standard uranvl nitrate—refers to uranyl nitrate made from unirradiated uranium. However. it is recognized that some contamination with reprocessed uranium may occur during routine processing: this is acceptable. provided that the product meets the specification for commercial standard uranyl nitrate as defined in 4.2.
3. 1 . 1 .2 reprocessed uranyl nitrate—refers to any uranyl nitrate made from uranium that has been exposed in a neutron irradiation facility and subsequently chemically separated from the fission products and Iransuranic isotopes so generated. The limits given in this specification are intended to be typical of reprocessed spent fuel having achieved burn-up levels of up to 50 000 megawatt day per ton of uranium in light water reactors and c(xling for 10 years after discharge. It is recognized that different values would be necessary to accommodate different fuel histories.
4. Radionuclide Content
4.1 The 235U conten shall be reported as g/l00 g U.
For Tc and 232U, the specific isotopic measurements required by the appropriate specification may be waived, provided that the manufacturer can demonstrate compliance, for instance, through the manufacturer’s quality assurance records.
4.3 For reprocessed uranyl nitrate, the concentrations of IC, U. U and U shall be as specified in Specifications
(‘787 or (‘996. as appropriate, unless otherwise agreed between purchaser and manufacturer.
4.4 For reprocessed uranyl nitrate. the total of the products of each specific mean gamma decay rate multiplied by each specific mean gamma energy per disintegration arising from fission products shall not exceed 3 x i05 MeV-Bq/ Kg U. The radionuclides to he determined by the gamma spectrometer method of Methods C799, C 1295, or equivalent.
4.5 For reprocessed uranyl nitrate that is to be converted to UF6. the maximum alpha activity due to transuranic alpha emitters shall he 250 Bq/g U (15 000 dpin/g U); the maximum alpha activity due to neptunium shall be 125 Bq/g U (75(X) dpm/g U). For reprocessed uranyl nitrate that is to be converted directly into U02 fuel, the cransuranic alpha emitter specification limits of Specification (‘996 shall apply unless otherwise agreed upon between purchaser and manufacturer.
5. Chemical Requirements
5. 1 The limits of uranium concentration and the free nitric acid concentration of the aqueous uranyl nitrate solution shall be agreed between purchaser and manufacturer.
5.2 The uranyl nitrate solution shall contain no more than
0.5 volume of entrained organic materials.
5.3 When the uranyl nitrate is intended as feed material for conversion to uranium hexafluoride, the following shall apply.

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