ASTM C1019:20 pdf free download – Standard Test Method for Sampling and Testing Grout for Masonry

02-23-2022 comment

ASTM C1019:20 pdf free download – Standard Test Method for Sampling and Testing Grout for Masonry.
9.5 Between 15 and 30 mm after filling the mold, add sufficient grout without rodding to liii the depression caused by initial water loss. Strike oil the top surface of the specimen with a straightedge to produce a flat surface that is even with the top edge of the mold. Cover immediately with a damp absorbent material such as cloth or paper towel. Keep the top surface of the specimen damp by wetting the absorbent material and covering with a nonabsorbent. nonreactive material. Do not disturb the specimen until the molds are removed.
Note 1—The viscosity of self-consolidating grout changes with iin. Thus the depression may require filling prior to the thirty minute limit.
9.6 Protect the specimens from freezing and variations in temperature. Store an indicating maximum-minimum thermometer with the specimens and record the maximum and minimum temperatures experienced prior to the time the specimens are placed in the final curing environment.
Noii 12—if storage temperatures are less than 6O’F (15.6°C) or greater than 80°F t26.7°C) as shown by the thermometer, the resulting compressive strength will likely he aikctcd.
10. Transportation, Curing, and Testing of the Specimens
10.1 Remove the molds between 24 and 48 h after making the specimens.
Note 13—Various conditions, such as the use ol SC retarders or low ambient temperatures. may necessitate delaying mold removal until well after 24 h. Care should be taken to ensure the specimens have achieved sufficient strength for transportation, which may include delaying mold removal and transportation until 48 h.
10.2 Within 30 mm after removing the molds, place specimens in a protective container and keep specimens damp.
10.3 Transport field specimens to the laboratory within 8 h after mold removal.
10.4 Within 8 h after mold removal, place in a moist rtxm, moist cabinet, or water storage tank conforming to Specification C5 II. Store there until day of testing.
10.5 Keep specimen damp until tested.
10.6 Specimen Measurement:
10.6.1 Measure and record the width of all four faces at mid-height to the nearest 1/16 in. (2 mm).
10.6.2 Measure and record the height of all four faces at mid-width to the nearest ‘/16 in. (2 mm).
l06.3 Measure and record the perpendicularity from the top and bottom surfaces at mid-width of each face to the nearest 1/16 in. (2 mm). See Fig. 5.
10.6.4 Measure and record the amount out-of-plane at mid-width of each side surface to the nearest Y16 in. (2 mm). See Fig. 5. Specimens that are beyond the out-of-plane tolerances shall not be tested.
10.7 It is permissible to cut or grind the top. bottom or both of specimens that are beyond the tolerances listed in 6.1.3 or 6.1.5 prior to capping and testing the specimens provided the resulting ratio of average height to average width (hlw) is between 1 .75 and 2.0. Reported measurements shall be based on measurements after cuuing or grinding is completed.

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