ASTM C1202:2012 pdf free download – Standard Test Method for Electrical Indication of Concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride lon Penetration.
8.2.2 £vtended Moirt Curing—Cure tcst specimens for 56 days in accordance with Practice C1921C192M for specimens prepared in the laboratory or in accordance with the standard curing procedure of Practice C3 l/C3 I NI for specimens pie- pared in the field.
8.2.3 Accekrated Moist Curing—Provide 7 days of nloist curing in accordance with Practice Cl92/C192M 11r specimens prepared in the laboratory or in accordance with the standard curing procedure of Practice C3l/C3IM for specimens prepared in the field. Alter 7 days of moist curing. immerse the specimens for 21 days in lime-saturated water at 38.0 ± 2.0 C.
Note 5—The 56-day moist curing period is to allow for some supplementary cemcntiiious maicrials to dcclop potential propcnics hccausc of their slower rate of hydration. (‘oncrete containing supplementary ccrnen• titious materials may continue to show reductions in resutts of this test beyond St days. and in some cases. it may be appropriate to test at later ages, such as 3 months.
Note 6— The accelerated moist curing procedure has been found useful in providing an earlier indication of potential property development with slower hydrating supplementary cementitious materials (7k. Because the two different curing titethods may not provide the samnc results, the specifier of the test may require a conelation between results for estended moist cured and accckratcd moist cured specimens and establish appropriate acceptance criteria uhcn the accelerated moist curing procedure is used or permitted. Comparisons between results of moist cured specimens and held pertormance of concrete are documented in t8).
8.3 Transport the cores to the laboratory in sealed (tied) plastic bags. If specimens must be shipped, they should be packed so as to be properly protected from freeting and from damage in transit or storage.
8.4 Using the water-cooled diamond saw or silicon carbide saw, cut a 50 ± 3 mm slice from (he top of the core or cylinder. with the cut parallel to the top of the core. This slice will be the test specimen. Use a belt sander to remove any burrs on the end of the specimen.
8.5 Special processing is necessary for core samples where the surface has been modified, for example. by texturing or by applying curing compounds, sealers, or other surface treatments, and where the intent of the test is not to include the effect of the modifications. In those cases, the modified portion of the core shall he removed and the adjacent 50 ± 3 mm slice shall be used for the test.
9. Conditioning
9.1 Vigorously boil a litre or more of tapwater in a large sealable container. Remove container from heat, cap tightly. and allow water to cool to ambient temperature.
9.2 Allow specimen prepared in Section 8 to surface dry in air for at least I h. Prepare approximately 10 g of rapid setting coating and brush onto the side surface of specimen. Place the sample on a suitable support while coating to ensure complete coating of sides. Allow coating to cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
9.3 The coating should be allowed to cure until it is no longer sticky to the touch. Fill any apparent holes in the coating and allow additional curing time. as necessary. Place specimen in beaker or other container (see 6.1.2). then place container in vacuum desiccator. Alternatively, place specimen directly in vacuum desiccator. I3oth end faces of specimen must be exposed. Seal desiccator and start vacuum pump or aspirator.