BS ISO IEC 33001:2015 pdf free download – Information technology – Process assessment – Conceptsand terminology

02-09-2022 comment

BS ISO IEC 33001:2015 pdf free download – Information technology – Process assessment – Conceptsand terminology
In applying the layered view to the Set of Standards for Process Assessment, the group described as“Principles”defines the high level requirements addressing the scope of the set of Standards. Thegroup defined as “Element Standards” contains the component standards compliant with the Principlesgroup, which can be applied to the conduct of any specific process assessment. The set of Standards isopen, making provision for the inclusion of documents defining new elements(process models, processmeasurement frameworks, documented assessment processes) through normal routes[16,17].
The plan for the development of this set of Standards envisages the definition of a comprehensiveset of documents addressing requirements and guidance for the performance of assessment and thedevelopment of supporting infrastructure.The complete set of Standards, and the proposed system fornumbering of additional Standards,currently planned is listed in Table 1.
5.2 Concepts of “process”
A process is a set of elements (tasks, activities, etc) that operate together in a coordinated manner toachieve a purpose. In general, there are multiple ways of identifying and organising the “elements” ofa process; there is no “one way” to achieve the purpose. In order to achieve an objective evaluation ofthe extent to which a process achieves a specified process quality characteristic, it is first necessary toestablish a generic definition of the process, as an entity that can be implemented in different contexts.Such a generic definition can be achieved by focussing on the Purpose of the process.The achievement ofthe purpose is demonstrated through the establishment of observable results or Outcomes [16].
5.3.1 Measuring process quality characteristics
ISO/IEC 33003 provides the requirements for defining process measurement frameworks of processattributes for process quality characteristics such as process capability,efficiency, effectiveness,security, integrity and sustainability.
In general, a process measurement framework describes process attributes related to processes thatprovide a coherent and consistent framework for evaluating the extent of achievement of the processquality characteristic that is the subject of the framework. The process measurement frameworkmay define a series of process quality levels, establishing an ordinal scale for expressing the extent ofachievement of the process quality characteristic.
5.3.2Process reference models
An assessment addresses a selected scope of processes implemented in a specific domain. The resultsof assessment will be affected by the domain of implementation, as processes with similar purpose indifferent domains may have different results. A set of processes can be defined that address functionsin a domain of interest; the set of processes may address not only the core functions of organizationsoperating in the domain, but also processes concerned with management or support functions, or withthe provision of organizational or enterprise infrastructure[2.9.10].
A coherent set of processes for a specified domain can be assembled to provide a process referencemodel.A process reference model contains:
a) a declaration of the domain of the process reference model;
b)a description of the processes within the scope of the process reference model;
c)a description of the relationship between the process reference model and its intended context of use; and
d) a description of the relationship between the processes defined within the process reference model.The requirements for a process reference model are contained in ISO/IEC 33004.

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