ASTM D850:2021 pdf free download – Standard Test Method for Distillation of Industrial Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Related Materials

02-24-2022 comment

ASTM D850:2021 pdf free download – Standard Test Method for Distillation of Industrial Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Related Materials. The manual distillation condenser and cooling bath shall be as specified in Section 5, and Fig. I of Specification El33. As an alternative, the condenser tube may consist of a straight glass tube 600 to 610 mm in length and 12 mm in inside diameter, of standard wall thickness (about 1.25 mm) with the exit end cut oH square and ground flat. It shall be set in a cooling trough so that at least 380 mm of the tube is in contact with the water. Clearance between the condenser tube and any parallel side of the trough shall he not less than 19mm. The water in the cooling trough shall be maintained at 10 to 20°C. This may be done by adding ice to the water or by cireulating chilled waler through the trough. The trough shall be so mounted that the condenser tube is set at an angle of 750 with the vertical. To minimiie the turbulence in the receiver during the run, provisions shall be made to enable the flow of the distillate to run down the side of the receiving cylinder. This can be accomplished by using a drip.ddflector, which is attached to the outlet of the tube.
6.3.2 Automatic Distillation and Cooling Bath—The automatic distillation and cooling bath shall be as specificd in Section 5, Fig. 2 of Specification F 133.
6.4 Distillation Receher:
6.4.1 Manual Distillation Receiver—A graduate of the cylindrical type, of uniforni diameter, with a pressed or molded base and a lipped top. The cylinder shall be marked o contain 100 mL. and the 0 to 100 mL receiver portion shall be not less than 178 nor more than 203 mm in length. It shall be graduated in single millilires and each fifth mark shall be distinguished by a longer line. It shall be numbered from the bottom up at intervals of 10 mL The overall height of the receiver shall not be less than 248 nor more than 260 mm. The graduations shall not be in error by more thait 1 mL at any point on the scale. The bottom I -mL graduation may be omitted. The receiver complies with Section 9, Graduate B Fig. 4, of Specification E133.
6.4.2 Auroniatic Di.ciillaiion Rcreiver—A receiver to be used with measurements in accordance with the instrument manufacturer and conform to the physical specifications descnbed in this section. with the exception of the graduations, Automatic Di.tiIIution Level Follower—For automatic apparatus, the level follower or recording mechanism of the apparatus will have a resolution of 0.1 mL with an accuracy of ± I mL. The calibration of the assembly should be confirmed according to the inanufacturers instructions at regular intervals. The typical calibration procedure involves verifying the output with the receiver containing 5 and of material respectively.

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