ASTM D1876:2001 pdf free download – Standard Test Method for Peel Resistance of Adhesives (T-Peel Test)

02-24-2022 comment

ASTM D1876:2001 pdf free download – Standard Test Method for Peel Resistance of Adhesives (T-Peel Test).
Note 9—This speed will cause separation of the bond at a rate of 127 mm
7.2 During the peel test make an autographic recording of load versus head movement or load versus distance peeled.
7.3 Determine the peel resistance over at least a 127-mm (5-ui.) length of the bond line after the initial peak.
8.1 Determine from the autographic curve for the first 127 mm (5 in.) of peeling after the initial peak the average peeling load in pounds per inch of the specimen width required to separate the adherends, It is preferred that the average to be determined from the curve with the use of a planimeter.
Note10—In case a planirneter is not used, the aserage may be calculated as the acragc of load reading. the load may be recorded at each 25-mm I in.) inlersal of head nsot,on (or each 12.7-mm (0.5-in,) interval of bond separation i following the initial peak. until at least ten readings hase been ohained.
9. Report
9.1 Report the following information:
9.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive tested, including type, source, manufacturer’s code number, batch or lot number, form. etc..
9. 1.2 Complete identification of adherends used, including material, thickness, surface preparation, and orientation,
9.1.3 Description of bonding process. including method of application of adhesive, glue-line thickness, drying or precur ing conditions (where applicable), curing time, temperature. and pressure.
9.1.4 Average thickness of adhesive layer after formation of the joint, within 0.025 mm (0.001 in.). The method of obtaining thc thickness of the adhesive layer shall be described including procedure, location of measurement, and range of meisurements.
9.1.5 Complete description ot’ the test specimens, including dimensions and construction of the test specimens. conditions used for cutting individual test specimens. number of test panels represented. and number of individual test specimens.
9.1,6 Conditioning procedure prior to testing.
9.1.7 Type of test machine and crosshead separation rate used.
9.1.8 Method of recording load and determining average
9.1.9 Average. maximum. and minimum peeling load values for each individual specimen.
9.1.10 Average T-pcel strength in pounds per inch of width for each combination of materials and constructions under lest, and
9.1.11 Type of failure, that is. cohesive failure within the adhesive or adherend or adhesion to the adherend, or combination thereof, for each individual specimen (see Terminology D907).
10. Precision and Bias
10. I Precision and bias br this test method is being developed and will he available by September 2004.
II. Ke words
11.1 adhesive honding flexible adherends: T-peel strength

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