IEC 60598-1:2020 pdf free download – Luminaires

02-09-2022 comment

IEC 60598-1:2020 pdf free download – Luminaires
The requirements and tolerances permitted by this document are related to testing of a typetest sample submitted for that purpose.Compliance of the type test sample does not ensurecompliance of the whole production of a manufacturer.Compliance for production is theresponsibility of the manufacturer and may include routine tests and quality assurance inaddition to type testing.
0.4.2 Except where otherwise specified in the sections of this document or relevant part of IEC 60598-2,lumInaires shall be tested as delivered,and installed as for normal use,in anamblent temperature of between 10 ℃ and 30 ℃, having regard to the manufacturer’sinstallation instructions. The lamp (or lamps) is (are) not included except where essential forthe test.
In general,the tests are made on a single sample luminaire or where a range of similarluminaires is involved,on a single luminaire of each raled wattage in the range or on arepresentative selection from the range as agreed with the manufacturer (see Annex S). Thisselection shall include the luminaire,together with any attachments, which represents themost unfavourable combination from a testing point of view.
Each sample luminaire shall comply with all the relevant tests. In order to reduce the time oftesting and to allow for any tests which may be destructive,the manufacturer may submitadditional luminaires or parts of luminaires, provided that these are of the same materials anddesign as the original luminaire and that the results of the test are the same as if carried outon an identical luminaire. Where the test for cempliance is shown as being “by inspection”;,this shall include any necessary handling.
Combination lurminaires are lesled for safety requirements with that assemblage of partswhich gives the most unfavourable result.
Certain parts of luminaires,such as joints,raising and lowering devices,may be testedseparately provlded that the design of these parts is such that their perfaormance is notdependent upon the other parts of the luminaires.
Luminaires intended to be used with supply cords are lested with the flexible supply cordconnected to the luminaire.
For luminaires intended to be used with a shade, but not normally supplled with a shade, themanufacturer shall provide a shade, typical of the type that might be used with the luminaire.
Luminaires for testing to the requirements of this document may have earlier test reportsupdated in accordance with this document by submitting a new sample far tast together withthe previous test reportsm
Full type testing need not generally be necessafy and the product and the previaus testresultis shall be reviewed only against any amended clauses marked “R” and scheduled inAnnex R.

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