IEC 62560:2011 pdf free download – Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 v – Safetyspecifications

02-10-2022 comment

IEC 62560:2011 pdf free download – Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 v – Safetyspecifications
4.2 Self-ballasted LED-lamps are non-repairable,factory-sealed units. They shall normallynot be opened for any tests. In the case of doubt based on the inspection of the lamp and theexamination of the circuit diagram,and in agreement with the manufacturer or responsiblevendor,either the output terminals shall be short-circuited or,in agreement with themanufacturer,lamps specially prepared so that a fault condition can be simulated shall besubmitted for testing (see Clause 13).
4.3ln general, all tests are carried out on each type of lamp or,where a range of similarlamps is involved, for each wattage in the range or on a representative selection from therange, as agreed with the manufacturer.
4.4When the lamp fails safely during one of the tests, it is replaced,provided that no fire,smoke or flammable gas is produced.Further requirements on failing safe are given in Clause12.
6.2Bending moment,axial pull and mass
The value of the bending moment,imparted by the lamp at the lampholder shall not exceedthe value given in Table 2.
The bending moment shall be determined by measuring the weight of the lamp (e. g. bymeans of a balance) at the tip of the bulb of the horizontally held lamp and multiplying thisforce by the distance between the tip of the bulb and the pivot line.The pivot line shall lie atthe bottom end of the cylindrical part (for Edison and bayonet caps) or at the end of thecontact pins (for pin caps). lt shall be ‘supported by an upright held thin metal sheet or asimilar means.
The lamp construction shall withstand externally applied axial pull and bending moment.
For the measurement method, see A.2.1 of IEC 61199.
The mass as given in Table 2 shall not be exceeded.
NOTE 1 For lamps with caps different to those in Table 2, the effect of the bending moment should be regardedand limited.A measurement method for these lamps with these caps is under consideration.
NOTE 2 lt should be taken care that the luminaire surface where the lampholder is fixed to can withstand thebending moment. For the calculation of this bending moment, the length of the lampholder needs to be taken intoaccount when measuring the overall length. This should be made sure for the elevated temperature duringoperation in order to check the possible softening of the surface material.
7 Protection against accidental contact with live parts
The lamps shall be so constructed that,without any additional enclosure in the form of aluminaire,no internal metal parts, basic insulated external metal parts or live metal parts ofthe lamp cap or of the lamp itself are accessible when the lamp is installed in a lampholderaccording to the relevant lEc lampholder data sheet.
Compliance is checked by means of the test finger specified in Figure 2, if necessary, with aforce of 10 N.
8.3 Electric strength
lmmediately after the insulation resistance test,the same parts as specified above shallwithstand a voltage test for 1 min with an AC voltage as follows.
During the test,the supply contacts of the cap are short-circuited. Accessible parts ofinsulating material of the cap are covered with metal foil. Initially,no more than half thevoltage prescribed in lEC 60598-1,Table 10.2 for Class ll luminaires is applied between thecontacts and the metal foil. lt is then gradually raised to the full value.

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