IEC 61000-6-3:2011 pdf free download – Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

02-10-2022 comment

IEC 61000-6-3:2011 pdf free download – Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
3.1.4 telecommunications/network port
point of connection for voice,data and signalling transfers intended to interconnect widelydispersed systems via such means as direct connection to multi-user telecommunicationsnetworks (e.g. public switched telecommunications networks (PSTN) integrated servicesdigital networks (ISDN),x-type digital subscriber lines (xDSL), etc.), local area networks (e.g.Ethernet,Token Ring,etc.) and similar networks)
NOTEA port generally intended for interconnection of components of an lTE system under test (e.g.RS-232,RS-485,field buses in the scope of lEC 61158,IEEE Standard 1284(parallel printer), Universal Serial Bus (USB),IEEE Standard 1394(“Fire Wire”), etc.) and used in accordance with its functional specifications (e.g. for themaximum length of cable connected to it), is not considered to be a telecommunications port.
3.1.5 power port
port at which a conductor or cable carrying the primary electrical power needed for theoperation (functioning) of an apparatus or associated apparatus is connected to the apparatus
3.1.6 public mains network
electricity lines to which all categories of consumers have access and which are operated bya supply or distribution undertaking for the purpose of supplying electrical energy
4 Conditions during testing
The equipment under test (EUT) shall be tested in the operating mode producing the largestemission in the frequency band being investigated,e.g. based on limited pre-tests andconsistent with normal applications. The configuration of the test sample shall be varied toachieve maximum emission consistent with typical applications and installation practice.
lf the apparatus is part of a system, or can be connected to auxiliary apparatus, the apparatusshall be tested while connected to the minimum representative configuration of auxiliaryapparatus necessary to exercise the ports in a similar manner to that described in CISPR 22.
In cases where a manufacturer’s specification requires external filtering and/or shieldingdevices or measures that are clearly specified in the user’s manual,the measurementrequirements of this standard shall be applied with the specified devices or measures inplace.
The configuration and mode of operation during the measurements shall be precisely noted inthe test report. If the apparatus has a large number of similar ports or ports with many similarconnections, a sufficient number shall be selected to simulate actual operating conditions andto ensure that all the different types of termination are covered.
The measurements shall be carried out at one single set of parameters within the operatingranges of temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure specified for the product and at therated supply voltage, unless otherwise indicated in the basic standard.
5 Product documentation
The purchaser/user shall be informed if special measures have to be taken to achievecompliance, e.g. the use of shielded or special cables.
6 Applicability
The application of measurements for emission(s) depends on the particular apparatus,itsconfiguration, its ports, its technology and its operating conditions.
Measurements shall be applied to the relevant ports of the apparatus according to Tables 1 to 4.Measurements shall only be carried out where the relevant ports exist.
lt may be determined from consideration of the electrical characteristics and usage of aparticular apparatus that some of the measurements are inappropriate and thereforeunnecessary. In such a case it is required that the decision and justification not to measureshall be recorded in the test report.

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