BS EN 1390:2020 pdf free download – Wood preservatives一Determination of the eradicant action against Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus) larvae一Laboratory method

02-14-2022 comment

BS EN 1390:2020 pdf free download – Wood preservatives一Determination of the eradicant action against Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus) larvae一Laboratory method.
— voltage: 10 kV to 50 kV;
— current: 0 mA to 15 mA.
5.3.11 Protective gloves.
6 Sampling
The sample of preservative shall represent the product to be tested. Samples shall be stored and handled in accordance with any written recommendations from the supplier.
For the sampling of preservatives from bulk supplies, the procedure given in EN 212 should be used.
7 Test specimens
7.1 Species of wood
The reference species is Scots pine (Pinussylvestris Linnaeus).
NOTE In southern European countries the species of pine most frequently infested by iiylotrupes bajulus can be used as an alternative, provided that the suitability of the species for use in the tests specified in this standard has been demonstrated in all aspects (development of larvae, resistance to impregnation. etc.).
Additional tests may be carried out using other species but, if so, this should be stated in the test report.
7.2 Wood quality
The wood shall he free from visible cracks, stain, decay, insect damage and other defects. The
wood shall not have been water-stored, floated, chemically treated or steamed.
The wood should preferably be felled in winter.
Wood that has been kiln dried at temperatures below 60 °C may be used.
The wood should not have been stored for more than five years.
The wood shall be exclusively sapwood containing little resin and having between two and a half annual rings per 10 mm and eight annual rings per 10 mm. The proportion of latewood in the annual rings shall not exceed 30 % of the whole.
It is recommended to use test specimens of a similar growth rate within a single test.
7.3 Provision of test specimens
Prepare planed strips having a cross-section of (100 ± 2) mm x (25 ± 2) mm removing a minimum of 2 mm from any surface exposed during drying. The longitudinal faces shall be parallel to the direction of the grain. The annual rings shall be parallel to the broad faces (contact angle of less than 35 0) (see Figure 1). Make transverse cuts neatly to give sharp edges and a fine-sawn finish to the end-grain surfaces, to make test specimens (150 ± 2) mm long.
The test specimens shall originate from a minimum of three trees or shall be taken at random from a stock originally of more than 100 test specimens.
7.4 Dimensions of test specimens
The test specimen at (12 ± 2) % a mass fraction of moisture content shall be (150 ± 2) mm x (100 ± 2) mm x (25 ± 1) mm.
NOTE A moisture meter of the two-pronged electrical conductivity type is suitable for assessing
moisture content.
Mark each test specimen so that it can be identified throughout the test.
7.5 Number of test specimens
7.5.1 For fast and slow acting wood preservatives, test duration 12 weeks or 24 weeks
a) for each wood preservative and each concentration – 10 treated test specimens;
b) for a single test of each wood preservative – two untreated control test specimens. 7.5.2 For deferred acting wood preservatives, test duration 52 weeks
a) for each wood preservative and each concentration – 20 treated test specimens;
b) for a single test of each wood preservative -four untreated control test specimens.
8 Procedure
8.1 Preparation of the test specimens
Using the drill (5.3.4), drill vertically three holes, 30 mm deep, into each cross section of each test specimen, positioning the holes as shown in Figure 1. For each hole choose the twist drill diameter so as to provide a hole size which will accommodate the size of larva selected (8.2).
Place the test specimens in the testing chamber (5.3.3) for one week.

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