BS EN 15746-4:2020 pdf free download – Railway applications一Track – – Road-rail machines and associated equipment Part 4: Technical requirements for running, travelling and working on urban rail

02-12-2022 comment

BS EN 15746-4:2020 pdf free download – Railway applications一Track – – Road-rail machines and associated equipment Part 4: Technical requirements for running, travelling and working on urban rail.
4.2.10 Interaction with the infrastructure, EN 15746-1:2020, 5.4
In EN 15746-1:2020, 5.4, machines do not have to comply with the limits shown. The limits for the urban rail on which the machine is intended to work shall be requested from the Urban Rail Manager. The machine shall be designed to comply with the limits stated by the Urban Rail Manager. The manufacturer shall state in the instruction handbook the system(s) on which the machine is intended to operate.
4.2.11 Safety against derailment, EN 15746-1:2020, 5.5
Machines shall comply with EN 15746-1:2020, 5.5, except that machines do not have to comply with the geometric track limits shown. The geometric track limits for the urban rail on which the machine is intended to operate shall be requested from the Urban Rail Manager. The manufacturer shall state in the instruction handbook the system(s) on which the machine is intended to operate. If data for the twist is not supplied, it is permitted to assume a twist in the track of 5 %o for the calculation.
Static deviation of rail wheel loads across an axle on level track that are not critical for safety against derailment, might be requested by the Urban Rail Manager to minimize asymmetric wear.
Depending on the respective wheel / rail profile pairings as defined by the Urban Rail Manager other limits for ZQ/Q than stated in might be applicable in the respective calculation. Respective proof of safety against derailment is required in this case.
Safety against derailment is able to be proven by calculation using the results of the static test configuration, where the highest change of track wheel loading is measured under the worst track conditions including track twist and track defects as defined by the Urban Rail Manager.
Testing should be carried out by the manufacturer of the machine or by an authorized body chosen by the Urban Rail Manager.
4.2.12 Load cases for calculating stability, EN 15746-1:2020,
4.2.17 Running gear, EN 15746-1:2020, 5.9
Machines shall comply with EN 15746-1:2020, 5.9 except that machines do not have to comply with the limits shown. The limits for the urban rail on which the machine is intended to operate shall be requested from the Urban Rail Manager. The manufacturer shall state in the instruction handbook the system(s) on which the machine is intended to operate.
4.2.18 Active suspension, EN 15746-1:2020, 5.10.3
Where EN 15746-1:2020, 5.10.3 refers to track twist limit in EN 14033-2:2017, Annex F, machines do not have to comply with this track twist limit. The track twist limit for the urban rail on which the machine is intended to work shall be requested from the Urban Rail Manager. The manufacturer shall state in the instruction handbook the system(s) on which the machine is intended to operate.
4.2.19 Driving and working cabs, EN 15746-1:2020, 5.12
In addition to EN 15746-1:2020, 5.12 any machine intended for street use on urban rail system shall be fitted with a rear view mirror for any driving position. As a minimum the mirror shall be fitted to show the rear view on the side opposite to the driving position.
NOTE The requirements for rear vision is already included in European Directive for Road Vehicle Mirrors (EC-2003-97) and in rail mode in EN 15746-2:2020, 5.4.6.
The driver shall be able to see the on and off tracking of all rail wheels. If this is not possible by direct view or enabled by mirrors, then a camera-monitoring system (CCTV) is required, that enables the driver to monitor the on and off tracking on of all rail wheels.

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