ANSI B15-1:2000(R2006) pdf free download – Safety Standards for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus

02-24-2022 comment

ANSI B15-1:2000(R2006) pdf free download – Safety Standards for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus
1.1 General
The requirements of this Standard apply to any source of hazard to people from the operation of mechanical power transmission apparatus on machines, equipment, or systems that are stationary in their use, other than the point of operation. This Standard applies to the sources of mechanical power, and also to pulleys, gears, and other mechanical components used to transmit power to the point . of operation. Where other standards take precedence by specific reference to power transmission apparatus, this B15.1 Standard shall not apply.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this Standard is to provide requirements for use in developing effective safeguarding methods to protect people from injury due to inadvertent contact with mechanical power transmission apparatus. When specific safeguarding methods are listed, they are based on sound safety practices; however, alternatives that provide equivalent protection are acceptable. The use of personal protective equipment is recommended, where applicable, but its use does not negate provisions of this Standard.
1.3 Application – General Requirements
People having access to areas where motion hazards exist shall be protected, by safeguarding means, from contact with moving parts (mechanisms). Such safeguarding means shall prevent people from walking into, reaching over or under, or other inadvertent contacts.
Where breakage of a machine component can result in injury, provision shall be made for appropriate containment of said components. When mechanical power transmission apparatus is stopped for servicing purposes, the starting devices, prime movers, or powered accessories shall be locked or tagged out, in accordance with a generalized procedure, to protect all persons or groups exposed to the mechanical power transmission apparatus from an unexpected start.
1.3.1 Exception – Low Energy
Certain power transmission apparatus may lack sufficient energy to create a hazard, and therefore safeguarding may not be required. .
1.3.2 Exceptions – Service/Maintenance When a safeguard must be bypassed during startup, setup, repair, adjustment, or maintenance, a program to control the unexpected energization of mechanical power transmission apparatus shall be implemented. This program shall be in writing and shall include proper procedures and adequate training of personnel. During testing and positioning of mechanical power transmission apparatus, special procedures shall be implemented and only properly trained and authorized personnel shall be allowed access to a hazard area.
1.4 Effective Date The effective date of this Standard for the applicable equipment cited in it shall be 1 year after its date of issuance.
Inadvertent contact: when a person touches or otherwise contacts mechanical power transmission apparatus accidentally. Mechanical power transmission apparatus: the mechanical components that, together with a source of power, provide the motion to an element of a machine or equipment. Mobile: capable of moving or being moved readily from one place to another. Motion hazards: hazards created by movement of components of power transmission apparatus either by themselves or in relation to other components or fixed structures. Nip point: a point at which a machine element moving in line meets a rotating element in such a manner that it is possible to nip, pinch, squeeze, or entrap a person or objects coming into contact with one of the two members. This definition holds for the similar point with respect to two rotating parts or two converging parts in linear movement. Pinch point: any location at which it is possible for a part of the body to be caught between the moving mechanical power transmission apparatus components and part of the machine or auxiliary equipment. It is a location where insertion can cause a pinch or squeeze action to the body part.

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